Chapter 1

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Beep... Beep... Beep

There was a loud thud. The midget rolled out of his lumber on to the floor taking his piles of sheets and blankets with him. "Ahhh fuck, another 'shitty' day in hell."

The king stood up, not bothering to fix the mess he made. He stumbled over to his work desk, feeling proud over the mass of ducks he made.

He looked around at the still unfamiliar surroundings. After the last extermination, he moved into the 'Hazbin Hotel' (as dumb as he thought it sounds) along with his daughter with a few other sinners he didn't care for much. It was better than living alone in his hoards of ducks...

He had to live with the bartender Husk, the pornstar Angel Dust, his daughters girlfriend Vaggie, the cleaner Niffty, and the despicable Radio Demon.

The king couldn't bare even being in the same room as him. That infuriating smile, obnoxious personality, and worst of all, trying to be a parent figure to Charlie.

He couldn't imagine the cannibal being a good person, well demon, to anyone. Lucifer thought he was a heartless person, well that's because he killed anyone he saw on the streets just to have another meal.

Recently, he took on the project of making a duck for everyone in the hotel. He was almost done, he only had to make the despised deer... and he was almost completely done with that too!


"Has anyone seen my dad?" Charlie questioned. Everyone shook their heads no, except Alastor, who was deep in thoughts, barely touching his food.

His ears perked up at the mention of the dwarf king. "He hasn't been out of his room lately, maybe-" "Dont worry your little head about it dear, he is an independent, grown man," Alastor interrupted, not bothering to look up as he talked, his nose still in a book, "I am sure he is fine."

The deer was curious about the midget and resolved to visit him through shadows to check up on him... until, he was reminded of the shooting pain he's in. He quickly went to his room to check up on the un-healing, angelic wound.


Alastor stood in the mirror observing the gash once more. It was a large cut smack dab in the middle of his chest, from the battle with Adam. Dried blood caked up on the sides while more was oozing as he thought.

He started to clean the wound and applied a gauze. He set on visiting the king after he was done. Once he finished he noticed that he that the bandage he just applied already had a red line soaking through the multiple layers of wrap.

He put his dress shirt and coat back on. He started to the kings room, across the hall, "Well, guess i have to stand the unbearable midget, known as 'the king'"


The short king sat at his desk, in duck pajamas, making ducks. This time, he took on a lengthy project of creating one of everyone in the hotel. He was almost done, he spent every minute of those days he was missing, working on these ducks.

He was painting the miniature details on the hated face when, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, he dropped the duck along with his paint brush, smudging the paint. "Who. Is. It." Lucifer said, in low frustration, every word, perfectly punctuated. "Alastor my dear, I wanted to have a chat with you." The Radio Demon said carelessly.

"Go away bastard, I'm working on something. I don't want to hear your stupid voice or see your ugly-ass smile."

"Charlie is worried about you, she's been wondering about where you have been. I'm here to ease her nerves. She couldn't be here because she has to do some paperwork regarding the new building thats to replace the old hotel, that was probably your next question."

Alastor heard a click and the door before him opened, a disheveled Lucifer standing in the door way. He walked in as if it was his own room and started, "My my, what a mess you have become. Im meant to keep you company for a tad bit until you seem fine, but it seems you doing just fine on your own~ Anyways, would you mind if i help you clean up my dear~ i'm sure Charlie would never want you to live in this disaster of a room!"

Lucifer looked him up and down, then he had a look of disgust on his face, scrunching his nose, "Hey, do you smell that, its li-" A metallic pang hit his nose, "You're bleeding, where?"

Alastor looked shocked at the kings sense of smell but defended, "I assure you, i have no blood on me currently, i have not today, so far... " "I can tell you're hiding something" Lucifer thought for a second, "i heard Charlie saying something about you fighting Adam, sometime before i came, is it from then?" Before the Radio Demon had a chance to speak, Lucifer sped towards him.

Alastor put his hands up in defense, "This is none of your business," he pushed the king away slightly, "I think these are the effects of being isolated for so long, imaging smells, you're not in your right mind, you have not even changed out of your... childish pajamas... yet." He spoke too quick, too defensive, the king knew something was up and didn't leave it at that. 

No, instead he argued back, "Aren't you the one who always says "dEAr CHarLiE mUsT BE WorRYiNg AboUt yOu"" he scoffed at the Radio Demon's poor attempt at lying "so tell me. Where. Are. You. Hurt. If it's an angelic weapon you wont last lost, it'll be the end of you now, Charlie wouldn't want that, my dear" Lucifer smirked knowing that Alastor couldn't argue with that, and the truth was that Alastor couldn't.

Arguing was common between them, could never be avoided, but at this point Alastor didn't want to argue, he wanted help, he needed help, it was the first time he admitted it. 

Alastor seethed in failure to keep his false facade up, "Its on my chest, Adam harmed me after he broke my staff, it hasn't been heali-" "Show me it."


"Show me it."

~ A signing off

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