15 1 120

Do you believe in past lives and reincarnation?

tw ¡¡ mentions of past harassment, death, abuse, suicidal thoughts

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i want everybody around me to be safe and happy. ❞

A pleasant morning it was for a walk. Gentle sounds of nature surrounded his mind, nothing but pure tranquility and joyous laughter between the people. A group of travelers and wanderers decided to go hunting for some rare jewels and gems in the cave. If anything, he was overexcited. He was never rich after all. Even affording clothes nowadays was a struggle for him. He never liked stealing or gambling, but the hard way of working only gave him and his father heavy stress. This was one of the easier ways. He knew it. 

A small smile across his lips as a young girl tripped on her path right next to him. He carefully placed a hand under her hips and gently helped her up by her arm. Standing slightly in front of her, he flashed a kind look with the same words he was quoted for, "Are you okay?" The blush across her face as she looked up at him, giving a shy nod and lightly power walking ahead of him. He tilted his head in confusion. Perhaps it was too much for a simple trip on a pebble. He wasn't the best at exactly being a gentleman, or that was what he thought so. 

He was one of the finest and delicate people within the village despite being a poor farmer's son. He was pleased with his life so far. There was nothing else he could do to change it after all. Some others discussed about how gambling and illegal dealing could turn their lives around. But in fact, Zixin knew this was all a dream. He was born to continue this life. And so would his children, grandchildren, and future generations. That was if any woman was willing to marry him at all. Such a disgusting, poverty-starved boy with extravagant color of hair, deathly blood filled eyes, and slim body, nothing other than simple muscles from the farm work. Well ... perhaps he was a bit attractive within this life, but who knew. Preferences were preferences and he had to respect them.

As he watched the girl run off to her own group, a man approached him from behind and patted his shoulder. 

"Already attracting a girl. I see your ways, son," he grinned and placed an arm around Zixin's shoulder, a smug grin on his expression. 

"I'm barely 15, sir, turning 16 in a month. I can't 'attract' girls like good looking people can," he lightheartedly spoke as he comfortably slung the bag over his other shoulder. He gave a small nod to the elder one who just chuckled and walked away. A light blush colored his cheeks. Attracting and flirting? That was far out of his league. Nothing like those perfectly fine guys. All he could do is compliment and serve his best. 

He watched the others walk by, a casual grin on his lips. He was glad that he wasn't alone at least. He was going to work through this money situation with a trusted group of people. He was going to return back to his father with money and pride. A few special shiny jewels would serve the family some new clothes and more food for at least a year. 


Hope for the better future. 

He couldn't always guarantee it, but he believed it. 

"Whoo! This place's a great for a picky ol' gem here an' there, eh?" The most experienced and oldest man of the group spoke, his accent too strong for the youngest ones to understand. 

"Then let's get moving before some freaky beasts decide to cave us in." 

Zixin nodded firmly. 

The rest of the exploration was a complete success. Purple, blue, red gems danced in Zixin's palm, bringing an unbelievable amount of ecstasy down his spine. Everyone else was cheering about how much there was to have in this cave. Bright shades of colors bursted from all directions, the luminance enough to overfill the blood moon's night skies. As if they were trapped in the middle of an astrological storm, stars were glowing and becoming a huge mess. Their eyes felt blinded from the beauty. A gentle hum echoed across the vacant area, bringing chills down everyone's throat. Their voices were all silenced by the geological beauty. This was what all the fairytales informed them of the bright grace in this world.

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