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She stood there, looking into those dark eyes which spoke of sadness. She couldn't acknowledge what she had just done. It wasn't supposed to be like this. She wouldn't accept it.

She comes to interview Emma Evans but does not accept her dead body. A wine glass lay shattered beside her.

Adrian comes back from LA and doesn't know about us his mom. When he comes back, he finds Aedlin standing over Emma's dead body.

Her body goes to post mortem, Adrian sends the body to confirm that Aedlin killed him mom. But the reports are shocking. She died 3 months ago... 

Watch us unleash this murder mystery of Emma Evans with some thrill between Aedlin Sanchez and Adrian Evans. 

 She thought she knew him, but the secrets he harbored proved otherwise. 

To everyone here who hates mystery but ends up becoming a mysterythemselves. 

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