Chapter 4- Hospitalized Dead or Alive?

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After the shooting the ambulance arrived and drove Ryujin to the nearest hospital..
Jay and Won came with the ambulance while Jay holds Won's Hands

Won was shaking and stressed out since she doesnt knkw what to do

But after a few minutes or so they arrived at the hospital and rushed into a available room immediatley

The doctor said to Won and Jay that they have to stay outside of the surgery room and wait patiently which Won and Jay heartwarmingly accepted

°At the Surgery Room°

Normal: Others
Bold: Pov/Conversation

Doctor Pov

I asked the patient's name after i knew jt the name was kinda familiar but oh well you never know..

We immediatley rushed her to the surgery room and started working on the bullet

I asked nurse Yena to grab me the tools
Yet her face looks familiar will she remember our past or am i just trippin.

After a few hours the surgery became messy her she lost too much blood but i hope the surgery will become successful i dont want her friends to see her suffer

Will Her Biological Mother remember her or is she gonna be forgotten after a bunch of years

I know that this is Ryujin yet. I cant reveal myself yet or else she will wonder about her past..

After a few hours we finished but i dont know if she would wake up yet.. She needs too much rest since it had a huge impact on her health

I'll go tell them the news now.

As i walked out of the Surgery Room her friends immediatley approached me

Won: I-is Ryujin alright?!
Jay: Doc, Please tell us..

I replied

I cant guarantee that she will be alive or wake up this early, She needs rest-

as i said that my words got cut off by her friends

Won: No,no,no,no,no, Please Doc she cant be dead!!, im telling you!
Jay immediatley confronted Won
Jay: Won dont worry everything will be alright!
Won: W-what if she doesnt survive?!, I will have to blame myself for everything that happend!, She helped me throughout my life i-i cant lose her!!

Jay Pov

I watch as Won blames herself through everything

I wanted to tell her that it's gonna be alright but, she wont listen, im starting to worry about her, I know their friendship is very unbreakable and is loyal, but.. I am their school bully w-why do i feel sadness when i see Won like this?!

Won Pov

I cant stop thinking about Ryujin, She made my life a memorable one and she sacrifised herself to just save me.. I owe her more than money, I owe her my life

She is a very Loyal bestie and we promised to each other that we wont hurt each others feelings and i will keep our promise that way..

From now on I'll protect her this time and whoever who tries to hurt her, Will pay...


Suddenly the doctor went somewhere else..
It was in the middle of Nowhere?!..

She arrived at a small Motel and there it was a Mafia boss but who is this woman?!..

Is it Ryujin's Mother?.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter!, trying my best still ofc to finish the story so please be patient for next updates Thank You *\(^o^)/*

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