Chapter 1

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Two girls, Kaelyn and Yulia. Yulia was always very confused and a little broke, Kaelyn was always very broke and a little confused.

The week before prom, they were at school, in Mr. Ayami's class writing notes to each other.

Hey Yulia, have you gotten your dress yet?

What dress?



Prom is next week!


"Yulia? Yulia!" a voice exclaims abruptly

"Huh- what-"

"What is the answer to this question?"

"What- what question? I'm so confused!"

"Focus Yulia!"


Mr. Ayami sighs and begins to repeat what he taught, unfortunately Yulia has zoned out again, because she got even more confused with the way he was explaining it.

I hate being confused... thought Yulia

Meanwhile Kaelyn was still fussing over her dress.

I should have saved my money, I hate being broke... thought Kaelyn

Suddenly there was a cloud of dust, the paper they were writing notes on disintegrated into a cloud of tiny particles of paper and blew away in the wind.

Huh? What was that? Wondered a confused Yulia and Kaelyn

Ting Two nickels appear on the table in front of them

Why are there nickels here?

Ting another one.

Where are all the nickels coming from?

Ting yet another nickel appears

As the girls continued to question the sudden appearance of all these nickels, more and more spawned around them, until it slowly piled up into an avalanche of nickels

"Wait, I know!" Said Kaelyn

"What is it?"


It's the confusion!"



"Yeah, cause everytime we're confused a nickel appears!"

"I'm so confused! Why would that happen?"


"Stop being confused! They'll keep appearing!"

"Oh, sorry, but why...?"


"I said stop being confused!!!"

"Oh. Ok, I'm not confused anymore"

Mr. Ayami turns around to see a pile of nickels on the girl's desk

"Yulia? Kaelyn?! WHAT HAPPENED HERE?"

"Wait stop-" Oh, no nickel appeared

Why did nothing appear for him?


The two girls look at each other

"It only works for us!" They say in unison.

"What only works for you two??"

"Uh nothing..."

"Okay girls, pick up your coins and put them away." 

If I Had a Nickel For Every Time I Got Confused...Where stories live. Discover now