~C1: A new beginning~

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"M-mommy...why do I have to shave my hair off?" I sob staring at my mother through the bathroom mirror "Elena, no normal 5 year old girl has hair, if you leave the house like this you will get taken away" she states, I gasp and fold my hands over my mouth holding in more tears, " but why do you have hair?? why cant I have it but you can? this is not fair..." she smiles and grabs  the shaver, shaving my hair off, I cried the whole time. "all done darling, how do you like it?" she smiles at me through the mirror and I try to smile "g-great..." I mumble "that amazing! alright, go play with your toys and leave mommy to clean up all this hair!" she squeezes my cheek, I sigh and go play with my dolls, plaiting their hair "ugh you dolls are disgusting. your face makeup is ugly." I mumble, a fade knock on the front door was planted. "oh there here...Elena darling stay in your room please! ill be right back!" she runs downstairs. 'why do I have to stay in my room? maybe its daddy and she's trying to surprise me!' I crawl to the top of the stairs quietly, trying not to make a sound as I hear the conversation happening, and I know for a god damn fact, that ain't my daddy.

???: "Do you have her hair?"

Mother:" yes..do you have my drugs?" 

???: of course I do, when would I ever forget?" *chuckles*

mother: "now that's a good boy.." *giggles*

???:" ill be here same time next week for MY payment.." 

mother:" correct"

I hear the door slam shut and my mum sigh in some sort of relief , I look down the stairs only to see her sitting on the floor in front of the stairs and lined some sort of powder on the third step, grabbing a paper money note, rolling it into a circle and sniffing the powder "mommy no!"

~10th July 7:16am~

I wake up from the car's sudden stop in movement, and then i sit up as i hear the drivers words "Miss Moore, were here! at Camp Half-Blood!" he chuckles as he turn back to look at me "you look like you had a nice rest huh?" he giggles and opens his door to let me out, I quickly fix my hair and face and wait for the strange man to open the door, The view of camp Half-Blood is amazing, I think I'm going to love it here. He opens the sliding door with a positive attitude and with a huge grin on his face, its like the positivity has never left him. I grab all my little essentials that I brought into the back of the car  and start moving towards the door, letting out a sigh of wonder when I got there "hey, I never got your name?.." I ask while jumping out and heading to my suitcases "Miss Moore, there is no need for you to know my name I'm afraid" he shuts the door and proceeds to walk back to the front seat to drive away "It was a pleasure meeting you in person though Miss Moore" "Its Elena. you can just call me Elena." I mumble with a slight smile spread across my face, he ends the conversation with a smile and a slight nod.

I was greeted by a few daughters from cabin 6 they had a wide grin and leaned over to greet me with a bow "Good morning, Elena! My name is Mikayla but you can call me Miki for short, I've heard you will be placed in cabin 10? you do look like an Aphrodite's daughter" she looks me up and down with shock "well I'm glad to show you the way, and maybe help you with those bags you got the eh? I'm sure I wont be as scary when you get comfortable in being my friend" she closes her eyes for a second, tilts her head and smiles, I return the smile back "That would be lovely Miki, I would love for you to be my friend" I say quietly, she then giggles and shows me the way to my cabin. Cabin 10? I  think she said that....

"We are here~~" she sings while guiding me to the door to enter "Thank you Miki" I put the bags/ suitcases onto the floor and so does she as we share a hug and I go inside "Ill see you around! maybe you can sit with me in the cafeteria?!" she shouts "Miki I'm right here no need to shout!" I chuckle "sorry.....so is that a Yes?" she looks at me "yes, that is correct" I smile before closing the door 

As soon as I walk Into the dorm I turn from looking at the front door to looking up the stair and catch about 13 different girls staring at me, my eyes widen in shock as the all begin to run down the stairs, skipping a few and surrounding me in a huge circle, grabbing my cheeks and observing my looks, there all shouting to eachother in high pitch voices as I grin in happiness "what cute little chubby cheeks you have!" One of the girls say while squishing my cheek the others giggle "your a very beautiful young lady, mother would be pleased to meet you! She would love your style" another girl shouts as she hugs me "you can sit next to me in the cafeteria in the Aphrodite table! I'll introduce you to everyone!"

"Girls quiet down and leave the poor girl alone!" A voice is heard from the top of the stairs, the figure walks down slowly and cautious she has her hand gently placed on the rail and she scoffs, she looks like she runs the place. All the girls make a road from the stairs all the way to my exact position as the beautiful lady walks up to me with a smile "sorry about them, we all tend to get excited when we get to meet our new siblings..My name is Vanessa Starls, the eldest Aphrodite child in the dorms..and you are..?" She questions with a slight smile as she brings out her hand gesturing I place mine in hers, so I do so while replying to her question "My name is Elena. Elena Moore" I say as I tilt my red face to the floor in embarrassment.
"Hello Elena, you will be sharing a bunk bed with me, I hope you like too bu-"
"I LOVE TOP BUNKS!!" I race up the stairs to find my bunk bed as all the girls laugh "are you sure she's not meant to be an Apollo child? She got so much energy at such an early time.." a girl says while the rest of the girls giggle and chuckle...


Hi guys!

I hope you like the first chapter, and I hope I didn't bore you too much 😂

Good news is I'll be only posting every three chapters at a time so this book will be taking a long time to publish but at least I won't always be leaving you on a cliff hanger 🎀
PS: This book is based off of Greek mythology and Greek gods so if you don't like it you may stop here! All the characters are based on my online and real friends, so I hope you like it
Please leave comments on any ideas or songs you guys want me to add onto the playlist and I'll reply as soon as I can. If you like any of my chapters or the book itself, make sure to vote and maybe consider giving me a follow

I love you my pink tulips <3



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