Chapter 1

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15 years ago

In the middle of the night in a forest, cries could be heard from afar and the sound of horses chasing something. It seems like the skies were angry as there was a terrific thunderstorm with dark clouds without any sign of the moon.

run..... Erin make sure you protect our little princess no matter what!!! A voice of a man was heard in the forest. won't leave you Marcus! a women said in between her sobs as she was heartbroken that her love was leaving.  there is no other way, l love you and l will always love Erin. Now go run l will try to save you some time, now run!!! the man called Marcus said after hugging his wife and baby.

Over there!!! come hurry up before they escape! said the men with horses approaching. Catch him!! he right over there. a man leading the riders said and immediately brought their weapons ready to fight.

Marcus stood there and started to chant strange words that no one could hear and soon a gold light started to emit from the ground circling him. He looked much more strong and his aura different that it made the solders shiver in fear. They all circled him whilst still on their horses, the first man who made the first move of trying to punch him instead was lifted in the air and thrown to the others making four of them fall off their horses.

With the speed of light he was infront of them and threw a punch at again, causing the man to crush into others again. They eight people dressed in royal Army uniforms but now they were four remaining.

Marcus jumped in the sky and punched the ground with so much force the ground started to crack beneath the soldiers and all of them were struck by lightning , burned to crisp the ground swallowed them and closed up as if nothing happened.

Breathing heavily Marcus dropped on the ground inhaling big amount of oxygen. He had used so much energy and was now feeling weak. He jerked up when he heard the sound of a branch tweaking, before he could turn to look for one responsible for the sound he felt a pang in his head as he was hit with something. He knew that what hit him contained strange power because if it was just mere human he couldn't feel the pain he was now.

Soon he started to feel dizzy and darkness enveloped him into abyss. Mean while the lady couldn't stop crying, she knew that her husband will not come back and she decided not to let his sacrifice to waste, she ran as fast as she could without looking back while the little baby was crying that even the animals awakened by the noise.

Eris POV
I spent my day in the forest today even though mom told me not to go there. I quietly climbed the stairs making my way to my room because mom is in kitchen so l plan escape befo..... Eris how many times have I told you not to go to the forest and do dare lie to me that you didn't!! oh no am screwed but how did she know that?

She comes straight up and pulled my left ear with so much force that l thought my ear would definitely detach from my head. mom let go it hurts so much!! I said looking at her in the eye. You need to be taught a lesson. Do know how much I was worried, l told that it is dangerous to play in forest! Look at you, you're 15 but you don't understand the dangerous. mom said her face red with anger and let go of my ear, and left to her room.

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