#3 fanfic story: Kyoya X Reader

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Me: hey everyone! Your name will be Hannah and you are a 2nd year and just got transferred to Ouran Academy and the first friend you met leads you to Music Room #3 but doesn't tell you what to expect. See you guys soon!
Your POV

You take grip of your friends hand as she pulls you down the halls I thought rich people were supposed to act refined you thought as she suddenly stops outside the music room. "What is this?" You ask as she starting shaking with anticipation.

"This is where the Host Club is and it's absolutely amazing" She says as she slowly opens the heavy door and rose petals fly into my face. I cough and swat them away as 7 boys are sitting in front of us.

"Welcome." They all say in unison which creeped me out a bit. That's when I locked eyes with a raven haired boy with glasses in the back that had looked up from his notebook at that moment.

"She looks new," one of the orange haired boys started

"And kind of shaken." The other similar looking orange haired boy ended

"Welcome princess." Now this one I recognize, it's Suoh from my class. He looks awfully high in position for how clumsy he is in class.

"Hannah Navass, correct?" The raven haired boy looked up and said with a cold look in his eyes and an obviously fake smile.

"Y-yeah" I said stuttering. Damn it.

A young looking boy ran in front of me holding a small pink bunny. "Hannah-chan do you want to eat cake with usa-chan and I?" He asked so innocently. He looks and acts way to innocent to be a high schooler of this generation.

"Umm no thanks, I don't really care for sweets" I said as politely as I could without bluntly turning him down.

"Honey-senpai, I'll eat cake with you" my friend spoke up from beside me

"Yay!" Honey-senpai ran to the closest table and a really tall dark haired male followed them like a shadow.

"So, what type of guys do you like?" Suoh whispered in my hair making me jump back.

"Don't worry, it took me a while to get used to also" a short brown haired boy said from beside me. He looks really feminine actually. His eyes just have a deepness that I've never seen in a guy.

"Are you a girl?" I asked bluntly catching everyone off guard.

"What? Our dear Haruhi a girl? I can't believe-" Suoh started before the boy in the back interrupted.

"Cut the act Tamaki, she knows. I'm Kyoya Ootori, the co-founder of this club." Kyoya introduced himself. An Ootori? My father has had connections with them since I could remember.

"Nice to meet you Kyoya" I shook his hand tightly and he gripped back. His hand is really soft but course as well.

"I recognize you now. You're the girl that sits in the back of our class. Nice to meet you princess." Suoh sayed with his hand reached out. I gently took his hand and shook it as he raised it to his lips.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING SUOH?!?!" I yell as I pull my hand back. He stood there in shock as the two orange haired boys started cracking up.

"Sorry to startle you Navass. He's just an idiot. Please, come in and we'll properly introduce ourselves." Ootori said nicely as he took my hand and led me in. "As I've already said, I'm Kyoya Ootori but you can just refer to me as Kyoya." He bows to me then gestures towards the orange haired boys. "They're the 1st year Hitachiin twin as well as the little devil types. Hikaru and Kaoru come in the brotherly love package in the magazines." He gestures towards the hidden girl. "That's 1st year Haruhi Fujioka, the natural type and our newest host." He gestures to the two boys at the table with your friend. "These are 3rd year cousins Mitsukuni Haninozuka, the boy-lolita type, and Takashi Morinozuka, the stoic type." He points to Suoh who is sulking against the wall. "Then the idiot over there is 2nd year Tamaki Suoh, the president of the club and the princely type."

"You really have the aray of characters here. I'm impressed" I say

"We like to see to everyone's interest. It's a basic business strategy."

"Well you would know mr. Ootori. I really should get going though."

"Do you not see a type you like?"

"I prefer the cool type" I wink at Kyoya before taking my leave.

~next day~

I walk towards my class when I'm suddenly pushed against a wall and my bag falls from my arms. "Well, who do we have here?" A man sneers lifting up my chin.

"Looks like a fun night." A guy beside him laughs

"If you guys don't let go I'm file this for sexual harassment." I say spitting in his face.

"Girls with fight are always the better ones." He smirks while sneaking his arm around my waist. I hear a thud and see my attackers head lurch foward as a black notebook hits the floor.

"Back away from her." A voice say unshaken as he gets off me. Kyoya.

"What was that? Does the A+ student want to pick a fight?" He sneers as he steps towards Kyoya.

"I don't think you want to do that." Kyoya smiles coldly while pushing up his glasses with a white evil glare. "I am Kyoya Ootori, the third son of the Ootori line. We run hospitals and the police department, and we take assault charges very seriously so unless you really want to push your limits. I recommend you leave I and Shan out of whatever dirty business you have or else you'll be facing very large fines to last you a lifetime."

"Tch you're lucky my dad will kill me if we cut connection. Hate to see such a fine woman be put in the care of someone like you." He walks away leaving Kyoya and I alone.

"Thank you Kyoya for helping me." I say leaving before he grabs my wrist.

"Oh, it won't be free." He says turning me towards him.

"What's the fee?" I say standing closer to him.

"You can pay me back with a date Saturday night at 8." He leans his face closer to mine almost to the point of touching.

"You have a deal." I said closing the distance between us. I savor the taste of his lips before we part and exchange phone numbers. "I'll see you."

"You too. Oh, don't go to the host club anymore."


"Because you can't have me as a host and I don't want to see you with any of those idiots."

"Got it. See you later cool type." I smile my way through the day and have one person on my mind. Kyoya Ootori.



Whoo I published it on time! So, I decided to write a Reader X Host and I think it turned out well. Really freaking hard to write though! I wanted this to be last weeks update but it wasn't anywhere close to being done so I quickly wrote the other story. Anyway, it's done and I'm happy.

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