Kitchen Counter (Roleplay #2)

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Yet again, sorry if this is not edited really well, it's really late and I got impatient with this because it took so long to finish. But either way, I hope you enjoy even if there is spelling errors and problems with the writing flow (which I know there is a lot of problems with the writing flow.) 

Sawyer rolled into Rowan's lap as he was laying on the floor, purring for some odd reason into his chest. He was bored and he most definitely wanted some entertainment, so Sawyer just played search and find and laid into Rowan's lap. Eventually, Rowan had the stupid idea to mess up Sawyer's hair to see his priceless reaction and started placing sparkly, pink, Barbie clips into his hair that somehow was next to him. Soon enough, Sawyer started looking up and staring at him, long and cold. He stopped doing his weird purring, got up, and left, trying to fix his once beautiful, luscious, hair in the nearby bathroom.

Rowan started smiling deviously, leaning back and watching Sawyer try to filter the pretty, sparkly, fairy princess, butterfly, clips out of his hair before Sawyer started muttering and spitting out,"Fuck you," throwing a clip at Rowan's face and turning to look at him. His hair was decent but it was good for now. However, a cold stare was still implanted in his icy eyes. Rowan giggled, sitting up and moved a lock of Sawyer's hair into the right place and then moved closer to him only receiving a glare from Sawyer. "Thanks, I guess you little ass hole."

 Rowan shifted even closer, so that their noses were almost touching, his eyes went from playful to seductive as he neared his face. He moved his lips to Sawyer's ear, lightly rubbing his cheek against his."Guess what?.." Rowan asked, his voice curious leaning into seductiveness. Sawyer raised an eyebrow, seeing where this was going, "What?" he mumbled again, low enough to hear a slight threat or a growl in his voice. His eyes were still moody as he stared down Rowan, but at the same time he couldn't help but notice Rowan's seductive voice. Rowan leaned even closer, biting his lip."Lel." He whispered, licking Sawyer's face then running into the kitchen. He finally had enough and Sawyer charged after him, skidding before grabbing Rowan from behind and twisting him so that he was pinned against the kitchen counter. 

"Nice try dick head." Sawyer rumbled, instantly scooting closer to his touch. Rowan chuckled, wrapping his arms loosely around Sawyer's neck. He once again went to lick from the point of Sawyer's nose to his forehead. Sawyer grinned in pleasure touching his forehead to his before licking Rowan's lips teasingly. His eyes got colder as he was instantly driven into the seductive zone with Rowan, still lapping his sweet lips repetitively. 

After a few moments of doing that, Rowan moved forward so their lips just touched, he slipped out his tongue to intertwine with Sawyer's tongue as Sawyer took a deep breath, forcing his way deeper into Rowan's mouth, supporting his hips with his hands. He was immediately drawn into a long, slow, kiss, trying to take in his sweet taste as much as possible. Rowan, on the other hand, decided to tighten his grip around Sawyer's neck, rubbing his hands through his almost fixed hair. He leant back onto the counter, trying to lift himself and failing but Sawyer gripped him harder, pulling him up for him onto the counter. He pulled his head higher and flipped back his own bangs before continuing back on to the kiss he was doing. 

Sawyer's fingers then roamed his upper thigh down to the side of his crotch. He heard Rowan let out a little grunt at the sudden intrusion but Rowan slowly got himself use to the feeling of Sawyer's hands. He slowly laid back on the counter bringing Sawyer up with him. Sawyer had grinned darker, pulling himself the rest of the way onto the counter, kissing him more roughly as he sat on top of him. His hand slid under Rowan's neck, supporting his head, continuing to touch him with his other hand while Rowan purred. 

Sawyer tilted his head to the side, grinning as he looked into Rowan's eyes soon starting to lapping at his neck and pulling himself closer to his chest, feeling the warm vibrations coming from it. Rowan tried to pull Sawyer's body closer to him, making a deep moan when Sawyer began to lick at his neck. His face grew red in the heat of the moment while began Sawyer flexing his fists in tension, lifting his head off his neck and returning back to his lips, grunting for more as he slid his hands now through Rowan's hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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