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? Pov

I sighed as I finally finished making my Oc. After seeing so many others make their own oc, I decided to make mine. It took me about an hour or so before I had something I was happy with and could build on later. Since it was getting pretty late, I decided to eat and head to bed. The last thing I saw as I headed into the kitchen was a cup flying at my face. God fucking damn it.

When I came to everything was.. black. Don't tell me that stupid cup actually killed me. It's just a cup! How could a cup kill me?! Did it shatter against his head or something?! A cup to the head shouldn't kill... damn, what a way to die. Though if I'm dead, then where the heck am I? Pergurtory, maybe? But I don't remember doing anything that would deserve that...

"This isn't pergurtory, young one. You are in the afterlife." I immediately turned around to face the person but saw... nothing? What the hell? Am I hearing things now? Ah shit, did I go insane in death because of that hit to the head?! I'll never ever trust another cup again. They make dangerous weapons.

Before I could think more deeply into it, I heard a feminine chuckle, "No, you aren't going insane, I simply don't have a mortal form." Mortal form? So... that means I'm talking to a God? Wait, I haven't even been speaking outloud, so how the hell - "It's quite easy to read you, little one." Well, that answers that question, I guess.

"You said I'm in the afterlife, but... this is just a black... well, void, I guess." Seriosuly, there was nothing around besides pure blackness. No light, no movement, no sound... nothing. "That is... technically correct. This is the in-between, which is often referred to as a void." So I was right. It's some sort of void... but why would I...? It doesn't make sense on why I'm here...

"I apologize in advance for what you will go through, but I was desprate. Please don't hold it against them. If anyone, blame me." Blame you? Blame you for what? Why the fuck are you apologizing anyway?! Before I could get anything out, I felt woozy and 'fell'... shit. "I hope my gift gives you the edge you need... I apologize... my chosen child..." With that, I knew no more.

When I came to my senses, it was with a massive headache and memories that weren't quite mine. It became clear what happened pretty quickly, I had been forcefully reborn in the body of my oc. The one I hadn't been able to iron out the details of yet. I was now officially Matrix Comyet, baby sibling to Reaper, Ink, and surprisingly, Cross.

I hadn't made my oc Cross's brother, but I wasn't really complaining. Cross was my favorite Sans, after all! Though I wonder what he was the God of? Reapers the God of Death, Ink is the God of Creativity, I'm the God of Code... but what about Cross? I guess I'll have to find out when I'm older, then... I can always ask then.

Though, now that I think of it.. who the fuck are our parents? I don't have memories of them, I don't think... none off the top of my head anyway. I do remember Life and Gaster, though, and them working together to care for us. They made it clear we weren't their kids, though, which is... weird. Like, I understand their not together, but still.

Though, now that I think about it, how are God's born? I know some can be born naturally, but... how did they originally spawn into existence? Sure, you could argue Ink created them, and then Fate created him, but still. Ink is a child in this multiverse, for now anyway. He's way too young to have made all of the God's around us.

I suppose you could argue the deities made them, but then how did UnderTale come to be? Did the deities see Toby Fox make it and decide that 'Yep, that sounds like a good world to make' or something? If that's the case, then does that mean their just watching over eons and eons of different worlds and multiverses? They just... decide to intervene with this one? Like some sort of sick playground? Or am I just assuming things?

Wait, didn't weird voice person call me 'their child'? Or chosen child... either way. Does this mean I have some sort of third parent out there just watching me go through my new life? Who even were they? A deity? Or some super powerful sans who wants to stay hidden? They didn't even give me their name or gender! This is a whole different type of head ache... At the very least, I'm pretty sure they were female from their voice...

Deities aside, going back to my brothers. We all seem semi close in age, I think... I'm not sure how God's age, so I'm not 100% positive. I seem to be the youngest which... is also incorrect. I was supposed to end up Ink's twin, but oh well, I guess. It just means I'll end up the baby of the family! In more than just the literal sense.

Well, Cross and I technically... even if he's a bit older. Cross seems to be around 2 years old, Ink looks to be 7, and Reaper is the oldest around 12? I think. At least in physical ages.... for all I know, they're all stupidly old compared to regular monsters and humans. Wait, does that mean I'm gonna be a baby for literal years?

Hey! So~ here's the rewrite. Thoughts?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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