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Y/n stood at her mothers garden, sitting on a bench, seeing everything around her, it was a cloudy day today for some reason

"What's the matter? Thinking about her again?" Charles said as he approached his baby sister, Y/n looked up at him nodding "Yes, like always" Charles smiled softly at her nodding "I understand you completely..." He squeezed her shoulder, Y/n knew about his affair, i mean who didn't? But she wasn't someone to judge, she wasn't even born yet so she never said anything to him about it

"So hard falling in love while being a royal, why her?" He asked as he lit a cigarette

"I could've chosen anybody or mother could've chosen someone...but she happened, she pulled me out of the blue without even knowing, Once i noticed i was developing feelings for her i wondered if -

"Mum and Dad would approve or if she would make the sacrifice.." Charles said for her looking down remembering if their parents would approve of him and Camilla, but we all know what happened

Their father of course already passed the year before

"Yes, but...mostly Mum, I envy you a bit because father didn't like me, we never spoke..but i still thought if he would approve... and i didn't want to put her through that, she has such an amazing career "

"Have you tried calling her?" Y/n shook her head quickly "I'm afraid she might be mad still " Charles chuckled at this, he really never liked that their mother had her, since she was here because of him...

" Well it looks to me like Two young lovers at sea Tastes so bitter, so sweet, so far from each other, so bitter it hurts but so sweet  because you love each other, Y/n..i know that you know that i'm not very fond of you, but i still am your older brother and i actually understand you right now...if you love her don't let her go"

Y/n stared down, processing what he had just said

"I'm sorry charles" She said softly looking up at him, Charles then saw how much she looked like his mother and father, the hair color of his father, the eyes of her mother, blue, she was literally a combination, not even him and the others looked so much like them like she did... it was like seeing them young again but combined


"You should've been King, not me"

Charles nodded, smiling at her

"Yes's not your's mine and well mother didn't want me to be king, besides...i'm too old, i'm sure if you ever need help i'll be able to step in "

The queen heard them talking like a little spy . 

"I'll get it " Aliyah said the doorbell rang

"Oh My God" She said opening the door "JENNA I THINK IT'S FOR YOU" She said still shocked, Natalie peaked her head through the kitchen as she dropped the cup she was holding "Oh my..Hello! Welcome!" She said as she quickly made her way to the door "What a lovely surprise having you here! Please please come in! JENNA HERE NOW" Natalie said as she smiled opening the door

Jenna quickly made her way to the living room "What? " She said , her eyes traveled to the door "Hello?" She said surprised as well

"Hello , i'm very sorry to come unannounced " The queen said, Jenna quickly shook her head "Oh no, it's fine, please come in, would you like a glass of water? Anything? Please take a seat"

"So your Jenna" The queen said as she sipped her cup of tea, Jenna nodded, they sat down at the table, Jenna feeling nervous and surprised that she came all the way here

"Yes your..majesty " She said softly, the queen hummed

"I assume you know the reason why i'm here"

"Y/n of course"

The old lady nodded as she rubbed her forehead "I'm afraid that she might be to stuck in her head, and that is an issue since she won't be able to do her duty like that, So i've come to ask you a few questions personally "

Jenna nodded as she intertwined her fingers putting them on the table clearing her throat

"Do you love her? Or is she someone you only want to spend time with? I don't want to come off rude but...we can't have that type of scandal that happened a while ago, you with that girl"

Jenna blushed furiously, the queen herself had seen it ? No..maybe she looked in to her, she had to, plus how the fuck did she know where she lived? Not even Y/n knew where she lived, well her parents house 

" I do love her..very much, and that was just a misunderstanding, the girl wanted revenge actually..." She cleared her throat looking down a bit, The queen nodded, she had this same talk with someone else...

"I understand why your asking, i mean...she is the Queen after all and my Job is very public as well, but i really do love your daughter, we met in such a funny way, she didn't know who i was and i assumed she wanted a picture, she came off a bit...imprudent " Jenna giggled making the queen smile "She can be like that sometimes yes"

"Her being like that made me fall in love with her, and how real she is, i'll be honest with you, when i found out i thought that made her stop being who she was, i even told her she was fake...but that's so much far from reality, she was always herself with me, i hurt your daughter and i'm very sorry for that " Jenna said facing her face to face, The queen nodded

"Don't be sorry dear, that's how young love is sometimes, she loves you very much, which is why i'm here, if she didn't love you i wouldn't be here" Jenna couldn't lie, despite her being an old lady she came off a bit intimidating, and more with what she said, straight to the point

"I have to know, if you truly love her, and she won't agree with this, but it is how it is, nothing personal. Are you willing to sacrifice your career? Retire from it? so in order to fully commit to your roles within the royal family. Additionally, the demanding schedule of royal engagements and the public scrutiny that comes with being a member of the royal family  and i need her out of her head, the people come first and if she can't focus...lord help me "

Jenna's eyes widen hearing this

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you willing to become Y/n's right hand? To become queen as well"

Jenna froze, Jenna...a queen? THE QUEEN OF THE UK?

"I...i don't "

"If you are, then you have my blessing if not...then i'm sorry my dear, i don't need an answer right now, please think about it, i have to go now, thank you for your time, consider the offer" 

The queen had left over three hours now, Jenna was still at the same spot...thinking

Leave acting? The thing she most loves? But she loves Y/n as well... becoming queen as well...? Wait...did Y/n even want to marry her? They never really talked about it, hell they only dated for a bit...actually they still are, they never ended things

Her head pounded as she groaned

You guys really thought it ended?  

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