3....2....1....Go (Ch 11)

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            Vale is lying down on the soft grass, with Mizzen snuggled up next to her. Lamina is lying beside Vale, their fingers interlocked. A few feet away, Treech and Tanner are discussing game strategies. Most of the tributes are restless and worried, but these three are trying to enjoy their last moments of peace before the games begin. They're all on edge, anxiously awaiting the peacekeepers' arrival who will take them away.

            Suddenly, Vale is startled by a gentle humming sound. She turns her head to see that it's Lamina who's making the sweet melody. Mizzen and Vale are both captivated by the soothing sound, and even Treech and Tanner pause their conversation to listen.

            "I miss the singing from home. You were always one of the best," Treech comments, breaking the silence. Lamina stops humming and takes a deep breath before replying.

            "Me too," Lamina responds softly.

            Mizzen sits up excitedly and asks, "Will you sing something for us?" The girls' faces flush bright red.

            "It would be a good distraction," Vale chimes in, trying to convince Lamina.

            After a moment of hesitation, Lamina agrees to sing. As she begins to sing, her voice fills the air, bringing a sense of calm and comfort to the group.

It's a lonely road
For the tired man
and you can see it in our faces
and you'll be home in spring
I can't stay till then
You heard I'm on the big train
And oh, this too shall pass
This grief won't last for long
Someone's there to take my place
I'm 10,000 miles away
So when you remember my voice
And when you hear my name
May it never give you pain
'Cause I don't wanna go
But I can stay
You'll be on my mind, my destiny

            As the enchanting melody of the girl's singing comes to a halt, the air is filled with an intense silence that no one is willing to break. Vale, who is lost in thought, tries to recall the last time she heard someone sing as beautifully as Lamina. She realizes that in District 4, it's mainly men who sing songs that are usually about the ocean, but none of them can even compare to Lamina's mesmerizing voice.

            Suddenly, the silence is shattered by the sound of the door opening at the back of the enclosure, and a group of peacekeepers swarm into the area. Vale quickly gets up and helps Lamina and Mizzen to their feet. She holds their hands tightly, trying to keep them close to her, but they are quickly pulled away from her grasp. A peacekeeper grabs Lamina by the arm, and another takes hold of Mizzen. Vale wants to say something, but she is caught off guard when yet another peacekeeper appears out of nowhere.

            As the peacekeeper slowly leads Vale towards the door, she tries to increase her pace to stay close to Lamina and Mizzen, but the peacekeeper holding her arm tightens his grip, forcing her to slow down.


            The tributes frantically exit from the truck, but this time, they are not organized by district. District partners are separated, and Vale scans the crowd for her group, but all she can see is Tanner. He stands at the same entrance as her, accompanied by a few other tributes, but Vale doesn't pay them any attention. She continues searching for Lamina and Mizzen, but they are nowhere in sight. Suddenly, Vale feels the cold metal of a peacekeeper's gun pressing into her back, and she instinctively starts moving, not wanting to provoke the man.

            They enter the same hall they were led through during the tour, but this time, the red lights flicker every few seconds. As they approach the arena entrance, someone grabs Vale's hand, and she turns to see a girl no more than thirteen years old. Vale tries to recall her name, but her memory fails her. All she knows is that the girl is from District 8. Their grip is broken as they are led to red circles on the floor with their district numbers.

            A voice booms over the speakers, "Stand on your mark or you will be shot."

            Vale looks down at her circle and sees the number 4. Her mind is flooded with memories from home, but she quickly dismisses them, knowing she needs to focus. The peacekeepers begin to retreat, and Vale scans the crowd once again, hoping to spot Mizzen and Lamina. She catches a glimpse of red hair and realizes that Lamina is only a few circles away from her. She continues searching for Mizzen, but he's nowhere to be found. Finally, she glances at a beam on the other side of the arena and is horrified to see the boy from Marcus, from District 2, hanging by his arms. His head hangs low, and he looks dead, but his chest rises and falls slightly. Vale is grateful that she and Lamina didn't attempt to escape during the explosions. Images of them tied to the beam flood her mind.

            The voice over the speaker begins counting down from ten, and Vale finally focuses on the pile of weapons in the middle. She spots a dagger on a rock and decides that will be her primary target. She tunes back into the voice for the final seconds and counts down with the man. Three....two....one....go. 


A/N: Hi! I have finally finished this chapter. I don't know if I like the part of Lamina singing. I couldn't think of anything else for them to do. I took way too long deciding what song I wanted her to sing and it still isn't my favorite. The song is Gale Song by The Lumineers. I made a few changes to the lyrics. 

I should have more chapters posted soon. This coming up week is my spring break so I should have time to write. 

Hope you have a good night/day! 😊

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