What i think.

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What Wilbur did is disgusting. There's no way you can either defend him or justify his actions in any way, words or tweets. What he did was disgusting and horrible. I genuinely feel bad for Shelby and that she had to go through all that, he broke her trust and shattered her. Bitting her multiple times and harder each time is messed up, and that fact he didn't own up to his actions is so wrong. His apology was worse then Colleen's. He didn't give a rats a$$ about Shelby's feelings and what she thought. It effected her miserably, And the fact he did it to Nikki and other people, and even stomping on Tommy's fingers multiple times when he was clearly messing with him is wild. It is only fair that he gives a decent apology to everyone he's hurt and effected badly. Especially Tommy who was only 15 when he met him. Tommy looked up at Wilbur and saw him as a older brother instead of a best friend. Just for him to get some pain in return. He got so much fame and clout just for him to make it shamble more then he thought. His apology didn't even focus on the people he's hurt, it focused more on himself and himself only. Not about Shelby. It's just so messed up that people still support him, especially after he did so much horrible stuff to his friends and his ex girlfriend/Shelby. If anyone I know/follow me on any social media still support him, Please unfollow me and never interact with me again. Because your an idiot. I genuinely wish Wilbur never did this or thought it was okay to just think it was. He is seriously that blind to the point he thought it was okay...and it's concerning and painful. And I'm glad people from the Dsmp commented on his apology tweet about how bad it was. And I hope Shelby can recover from this entire incident, even if it'll take years for her to recover from the abuse she faced. If you didn't read the description on what Wilbur did, please watch some videos talking about the allegations. Especially tubbo's and jack's response to the entire situation, and if it is that the time people see this Tommy's response is out, please watch that.  And for his apology go on twitter, And for what Wilbur did to Shelby go check out her VOD. Thank you for taking the time to read this and what I think. - Tokii

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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