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Chapter One

Section I

I made the simple mistake of telling my best friend that I wanted to have a toy set just like hers. I was 6 and my father, who is a pastor, overheard a simple child's conversation and turned it into something sinful.

Over the years I have learned the hard way that my father's hate for me was just as strong as his love for his three perfect sons. He was going for four perfect sons but mom had 3 miscarriages before me, then had to have a complete hysterectomy, I was a waste to him and ruined his life in his words.

When mom passed away when I was 10, because she had cancer, he didn't take long to remarry. If you asked me he was already sleeping with this woman. He told the church that it was fast because children needed a mother to care for them. 

She was nice enough though. Very sweet, always at school meetings even talked my father into letting me have more freedom to join school sports. She was soft-spoken and I was happy that he was listening to her and not putting everything on my back.

It wasn't until I got the letter back telling me that I was accepted into my number one choice college did I learned why I was given so much space. She took on my punishment, anytime he was mad at me he would hit her. She was happy when he seemed to stop caring about her because Molly was always around.

I had noted that as well, he didn't have as many unprovoked outbursts when she was around. I thought that was because He didn't want anyone to see that he wasn't the kind of loving Pastor he let the world think he was.

It wasn't until today, the winter of my senior year of college did I learned so much. I came home after a long shift at the local restaurant and a long day of classes to find my stepmother sitting on the floor outside my apartment sleeping with her head on a gym bag in her lap.

Turns out that he stopped caring about us because he had taken an interest in Molly around 12 years old.

She was the reason that I had to take on more shifts and pull all nights to make sure I passed classes. She was relaying back information to him about what we talked about. 

I just thought that was because she was one of those who were so trapped in Christianity that they did anything to get the attention of the Christian groups

She was the reason Father started insisting to me that I start dating  Adam, a super religious creep who often had a bible in his hand and nothing more. He was so creepy that people reminded him constantly that my name was Ava not, Eve. But he insisted and made comments about how we were going to get married and move to the middle of nowhere and make our nation of people

It freaked me out that he called me by my mother's name. Yes it was my middle name because my father was obsessed with it  but I just could not deal with that as a child of a pastor. One of the most hated and liked mega Pastors at that. I hated that when people saw the name St George on my papers that they knew who I was.

But How Adam was passing his classes I will never know. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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