The Angel and Human

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On the sixth day, heaven created man.

Lucifer rolled his eyes. Two humans,  to be exact.

And that was a tedious, lengthy month ago. The first month ever, specifically.

Lucifer Morningstar had a wonderful time with the other angels of heaven carving out the earth- divine orders from their creator.

Well, from the elder seraphim, actually.  He, himself, had never met the big man upstairs. Orders only ever came from the uptight and strict seraphim.

Lucifer would always question the higher seraphim, but they always told his brothers and him the same thing; it was heaven's will.

He would just scoff in their faces, but he was smart enough not to challenge them. Besides, all the world projects he was tasked to do were way more fun and interesting than pondering God.

Now, he was especially estatic about his latest creation: ducks!

He laughed maniacally when he showed his little duckies to his brethren, but to his dismay, nobody was that impressed.

"Ducks? You say?" His elder, Sera, had dismissed his poor little birds.
"I suppose we can place your creations in the garden. Although Adam will probably rename them."

Ugh. Was she serious? He didn't just pour his creative soul into this cute animal just to have the pompous human name it.

Anger surged, but he held his tongue.

His anger began to flare up like this lately. The other angels seemed to have a stick up their asses since the humans were created.

They didn't let him make anything fun anymore! It was always no more snakes, Lucifer. The last ones were venomous and could've killed the humans! Blah. As if he cared what happened to Adam's arrogant ass.

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