The Black Cat Named Laxmi

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A Black Cat was known for her good luck in her village.
So she was named Laxmi by people in her home town.
She was just like goddess Laxmi.
She was really powerful.
She can control anybody's luck.
If she wants she can fill anybody's day with good luck or bad luck.
Just because everybody believed in her at first that she is like other cats and loveable like them she got happy and stayed their for a period of time.
Laxmi was really happy to stay with them.
Laxmi used to bless everyone who behaved good with her and the people she saw.
She used to bless everyone daily so their day will go fine.

In the village farmers used to saw her face in the morning and than go to work so their work will be worth it at the end of the year.
She understood their situation and helped them with her powers.

After an year she visited everyone's house in the village.
Nobody understood why she was wondering here and there for two days straight.
And after visiting everyone she left her hometown and went far away where nobody knows her.
She just wanted to see the other places and help other people.
But as she arrived at a new village somebody threw a small stone at her.
Laxmi saw it was a young man.
And now he was coming to kick her by calling her "bad cat".
Laxmi got angry and looked at him and suddenly the young man sliped and fell while he was going to kick her.
The people who saw the incident thought Laxmi was bad luck.
So another young man, who may be a friend of him threw another stone.
This time when Laxmi made that look on this young man.
The stone he threw went into a middle aged mans house.
The middle aged man got so angry that he went out side with a long stick and chased the young man who threw the stone this time.

Now because everybody was fearing her and treating her badly she made everyone's day bad.
She didn't eat for a day.
So she was about to live that village.
Than a little girl came and starts to pet her.
The little girl only had one biscuit to feed her.
Laxmi wasn't able to eat that biscuit cause she didn't knew what she just gave but she blessed her with good luck for the day.
Than she left that place and went back to her village where she was born.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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