Aveline's Love Lingers

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The air was dry as parchment, crackling with a subtle static that hinted at an approaching storm. Aveline awoke to taste something metallic, realizing her nose was bleeding; she hurriedly reached for tissues, the crimson stains stark against the whiteness. The red on the tissue reminds her of the vibrant hues of autumn leaves, scattered memories of a season gone by. A season spent catching falling leaves with him that leaves a gentle ache, the rustling memories of shared joy now casting an aching shadow in her heart. She shakes her head, a determined gesture to clear the thoughts of longing for a love lost in the autumnal breeze.

Her cat, Lumi, heard her moving and, sensing a need for solace, nestled beside her, wrapping her in warmth and feline affection. Lumi's purrs always worked like a soothing melody, weaving a comforting symphony that eased away the knots of worry, leaving behind a tranquil stillness where the world's troubles seemed to fade gently. She wishes she could just stay in bed curled up with her cat, but the demands of the day pull at her, a relentless force tugging her towards responsibilities. So, with a loud sigh, Aveline begrudgingly got out of bed, bloodied tissues in hand, facing the day's challenges with resilience and determination.

Aveline turns on the shower, but the hot water is out again. It's a love-hate relationship with this apartment, a space where chilly surprises seem to be the only consistent feature. The icy water wakes her, sending a shiver down her spine and jolting her into the reality of another challenging day in the unpredictable dwelling. Despite its quirks, she does her best to find comfort where she can in this apartment. After attempting to warm herself with coffee and her favorite oversized hoodie, Aveline resigns to the idea that, in this place, comfort is a luxury often in short supply. As she sits at her desk, cradling her coffee like a secret elixir, Aveline contemplates the day ahead, finding contentment in the steam rising from the cup as it embraces her with a fleeting moment of warmth. Aveline pops on her noise-canceling headphones, and as the first notes play, she prepares to dive into her work, shutting out the distractions and immersing herself in the focused rhythm of productivity.

Aveline opened her inbox, and her eyes widened when she saw a string of overdue project reminders, a digital cascade of tasks threatening to overshadow the serenity she hoped for at the start of her workday. She sits at her desk, surrounded by the hum of her computer and the soft purring of Lumi, who lounges nearby. The glow of the screen illuminates the room as she attempts to catch up on work. However, as she gazes at her screen, aimlessly toggling between Photoshop and Illustrator, her mind begins to wander. She finds herself daydreaming about the quaint coffee shop she used to visit with him, where they would spend lazy Sunday afternoons lost in conversation. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans and the warmth of the sun streaming through the window create a vivid mental image. With her headphones on, playing a playlist filled with acoustic melodies and gentle vocals, Aveline still catches the ambient sounds around her between songs. As she gets lost in the daydream, a smile tugs at the corners of her lips.

Suddenly, a ping from her email brings her back to reality. It's a message from her boss, Alexis, reminding her about an upcoming deadline. Shaking off the daydream, she refocuses on her work, determined to bring herself back from the nostalgic reverie and meet her professional obligations. She adores her job and won't let personal distractions disrupt her workflow. With renewed determination, she plunges back into her work.

Her work is her playground for creativity. Aveline revels in letting loose her imagination, infusing each project with her artistic touch. It's a chance for her to showcase her unique style and skills, adding a dash of joy to her daily tasks. But there's a downside. Immersed in her work, especially on days like this which are packed with overdue projects, she forgets the basics of self-care, skipping meals and bathroom breaks. This intense focus often leads to migraines, highlighting the need to strike a balance between work dedication and taking care of herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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