They find you sh (tw)

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Special thanks- Lillian_Everdeen, My love.

"CAN YOU FUCKING STOP?" Tom yelled as you just looked at him with tears as you just pictured him with Astoria laughing and holding her waist when he clearly hated pda "you fucking retard" You spoke as your voice was deep and hurt that didn't let him figure out your crying state as you have clearly mastered hiding your feelings as he said "dude i just hugged her" with the most annoyed face clearly telling me to shut up as i turned around and left his dorm and as i left i saw Astoria coming right up as he followed me and saw her and i smiled at her as she also smiled at me and then i looked at Tom and smiled and showed him thumbs up and left as i reached back to my dorm and sat there on the pink blanket on my bed and stared into the wall thinkin how shit this person turned out to be and i had a flash of all my scars in my inward eye and looked at the washroom where i use to sit and cry with bloddy thighs as i never risked my arms and i really needed to vent i took out my diary and started scribbling as i walked over to the washroom and before closing i dropped my diary out and clutched my tiny blade always with my diary and undressed and sat on the stool right under the shower and stared cutting my inner thigh lightly leaving out no blood and i smiled and said "im improving- 4 months in was clean" the tears stained my face and i closed my eyes and squeezed my thigh leading to oze out blood when the bathroom room shook with a force as i flinched and said "yes?" The other side person soon was recognisable as he said "baby can we talk?" I quickly got up wore my dress and put on a smile and said "hold on lemme just get dressed" i opend the door and instantly was pulled in a hug and he said "babe we talked about this you cant be going this anymore" i wondered how did he know when i saw the diary and i knew he knows about this and sighed and said "i am sorry" soon i felt him pull out as he did i saw how sad he is and he said "babe lets sit and sort this out" i did want to say no but i did say yes we walked and sat down on my bed and he continued "day after Tomorrow is what?" He asked and did he really think I will forget this? "Bro are you seriou-" he darkened and i understood no joke "2 year anniversary" he nodded and said "i wanted to surprise you with some stuffs as i clearly have no fucking idea what to do as I was close to Astoria because she is dating malfoy as she helped me prepare stuffs for you" you were shocked and didn't really think this could actually be a reason "fuck.. i am so sorry tom" he just smiled and patted your head and stood up and took out a lotion and a cotton and sat down next to you and said "shall we?" You smiled and kissed him as he did it back and pulled you carefully to his lap THIS NEVER HAPPENED-

Lorenzo berkshire

You and him were in a healthy relationship and you are really a overthinker and as you were really not so popular because you were new and one morning you woke up bring Berkshire gf. This made you have self thought and constantly thinking why he choose me and therefore he is also a heartrobe surrounded by girls and when one of his fangirl showed up insulting you for your body and you were clearly the perfect but a little skinny as she remarked you a black kid as she is from Europe clearly milk white as you were from texas... you smiled at him and ran outside and bumped into many people and one of them was mattheo as he went to lorenzo and said "bro your girl is crying in the washroom" he didnt waste any time and ran inside and saw you stabbing the quill in your palm making it hella bloody as she crouched down and took your hand and kissed it leaving the blood on his cheeks and tiny amounts on his lips as he took out his handkerchief and wrapped it around your wound and kissed you deeply and said "names? They wont bother you anymore"

Part 2 coming soon

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