Chapter 10

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Shadowfur's heart weighed heavy with the burden of his actions as he slipped out of WindClan's camp, seeking solace in the quiet of the night. The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows across the moorland as he walked, his mind consumed by thoughts of Snowbreeze and the dark secret he had kept hidden from her.

As he wandered, lost in his turmoil, the air around him seemed to grow colder, a chill wind whispering through the grasses. And then, from the depths of the darkness, a chorus of voices spoke, sending shivers down his spine.

"If I were her, I would cut out your throat as I did for him when he betrayed me," one voice hissed.

"And don't think you can keep your little secret for long. Remember those ShadowClan warriors you killed? Well, your scent was all over them," another sneered.

Shadowfur's blood ran cold at the mention of his past crimes. The weight of his guilt seemed to crush him, suffocating him with its suffocating embrace.

"What do you want from me?" he demanded, his voice trembling with fear and desperation.

The figures remained silent for a moment, their eyes gleaming with malice. And then, in unison, they spoke with a chilling certainty.

"Your mate's soul," they replied, their voices echoing through the night. "That is the price you must pay for the power you seek."

Shadowfur's heart sank at their words. He had hoped that he could find a way to undo the bargain he had made, to spare Snowbreeze from the consequences of his actions. But now, as he stood face to face with these anonymous spirits, he realized that there was no escape from the darkness that threatened to consume him.

With a heavy heart, Shadowfur bowed his head in defeat, knowing that he had no choice but to fulfill the dark bargain he had made. For Snowbreeze's sake, he would give up everything, even his own soul, if it meant sparing her from the fate that awaited her.

And as he turned to leave, the echoes of their laughter rang in his ears, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked within him and the price he would pay for his betrayal.

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