Meeting a pretty girl

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I don't know at what point in the trip I fell asleep, but I was awakened by a loud war cry. Before I could recognize my surroundings, the van was hit on the passenger side, and we were spun around for several meters.

When the van stopped spinning, I took off my seat belt and got out as best as I could.

When I got to my feet, I realized I was in a forest at night and that 3 guys about 10 feet tall holding sledgehammers were in front of me.

They wore rags and on their necks were necklaces with shark teeth.

Now im sure im not hallucinating. The hot liquid running down my forehead was a sign of that.

I felt an electrifying adrenaline rush through my entire body. My instinct told me to grab the hair clip that was clipped to the belt loop of my jeans.

When I unclipted it and it was on my hand, it turned into a fucking sword.

It was a beautiful sword, the hilt matched the emerald green of the hair clip, "καταιγίδα" was engraved on its guard (and for some reason I knew it meant "tempest"), its edge seemed to be made of gold and on its fuller was a electrifying blue line. My hand fit perfectly on the handle of it.

When I looked back at the monsters, they were already walking slowly towards me, fiddling with their weapons. I could feel their cold gaze of one eye analyzing mine.

- Aaah, so that's why the smell was so strong, huh? Looks like uncle was right, guys. - Said the tallest guy.

The other two let out cold laughter.

They started walking towards me with sick smiles on their faces. I have no fucking idea what's going on, but I wasn't going to let these three idiots beat me up.

The storm was still raging and the rain was falling as I ran towards them with sword in hand.

The biggest one tried to hit me on my right with his sledgehammer, but I rolled to that side just before he could hit me. It took a second for the guy to the left of him to realize that I was now addressing him. Before he could do anything I sliced him in the knee with my sword, making him kneel in pain and I cut off his head.

The biggest one growled and tried to smash me with his weapon again while the other guy got behind me. There was no escape. So I grabbed the sword with all my strength and prepared to receive the blow with it.

The ground lit up blue when our weapons struck. His was left in pieces and mine was now glowing from the electricity that ran through it but it only lasted a second.

His hand was cut off and now he was on the floor. The cyclops hunched over as he looked at his hand, and I saw a fleeting look of fear in his eye before it was replaced by fury.

Before he could punch me, I moved quickly and stabbed him in the heart. He fell lifeless to the ground and now I was only missing one.

I turned to look at him and he was already running towards me. I threw the tip of the sword with all my strength quickly and it landed on his eye.

The last one of them kneel dead and fell on his stomach.

I staggered to him and pulled my sword out of his head and cleaned its edge with the inner part of my elbow. As i was pulling out the sword out of my elbow, its edge dissappeared and on my hand now rested the little hair clip.

Now all the adrenaline was running out and I felt the hot liquid pouring down from my forehead to my chin.

Everything became blurry and my body felt very heavy.

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