Chapter 2: Arsenal

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Adam Hope's point of view:

–My body felt warm, as if I were a child wrapped up in front of a bonfire in winter, but I couldn't see anything. Everything was black, empty and without anything, it was... sad. She wanted to do something about it, fill that void with something... something happy, a happy memory– Did I have those? Yes, yes I had them... –I said while a door emerged from the darkness that, when opened, took me to a completely different scene. It was a beautiful field of flowers with a large, gigantic tree in the center. It was beautiful...–

—Reporting: Two new skills have been successfully created –Said the always cold and mechanical voice of the AI—

"Next time you're going to make me faint, let me know beforehand," I said annoyed while covering my eyes from the sun's rays.

—Reporting: User preferences will be taken into account for future interactions.

—Anyway, you had told me that I had several abilities, what are they? –I asked as she stood me up and continued marching south–

—Reporting: the User currently has 7 skills. We will proceed to describe them:

#) Machine Brain: Extra Range. Logistics support AI.

#) Nature's Favor: Extra Rank. Improvement of the senses and ability to detect presences, recognize flora, fauna and minerals.

#) Rage: S Rank. Ability to double mana reserves when the User is in a state of rage.

#) Mirror: Extra Rank. Ability to copy any skill whose magic circle has been analyzed.

#) Reality Spinner: Error. Unknown range. Mistake. Unknown function.

#) Inventory: Extra Rank. Ability to store any object or dead organic matter in a dimensional pocket.

#) Transfer: Extra Rank. Ability to open a dimensional portal whose destination can be any place the User has been before or is within sight.

"Ok, there's a lot I don't understand," I said thoughtfully. "First of all, how do I use the abilities?"

—Answer: Skills are used by activating magic circles carved into the soul. There are exceptions such as the "Machine Brain" skill that can activate itself.

—So it's like using mana, but more focused on my core... –I said trying to move the mana deep in my core–

—Notice: An attempt to turn off the "Machine Brain" skill has been detected. Do you want to continue?

"No, I was just testing how this works," I said, happy to have done it the first time. – Do the ranks affect anything?

-Affirmative. The ranks indicate the power of the skills. These range from D to S, and there are two separate ranks: Extra and Definitive. Extra rank is any non-combat-oriented skill, regardless of its usefulness. Ultimate rank is a combat skill incapable of being blocked or countered by anything other than another Ultimate skill.

—I see that all my skills are Extra or S rank. How much mana do they spend when used?

—Answer: Mana consumption depends on the skill. Given a previous analysis of the User's abilities, it is known that the ability "Wrath" would consume all of the User's mana, "Reality Spinner" an unknown amount, "Mirror" and "Transfer" none, and the rest an amount less than the which produces the User's own magical core.

—If you can use the mana in my core to use magic, can you use my abilities?

-Affirmative. It is possible to use the skills by the User.

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