Prologue: The Rainbow and the Pokemon Master

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As the raven-haired boy and his best friend Pikachu reached a fork in the road, they couldn't help but wonder what adventures would be in store for them next.

"What do you say Pikachu?" He asked his partner. The electric yellow mouse looked at him and then to the fork in road, then back at Ash


"Right" Ash nodded. He looked around for a bit, and picked up a stick off the ground. Suddenly the stick flew up into the air, spinning round and round. On impact with the ground the stick was tangential to one of the two roads, but the boy was already gone.

Running towards who-knows-where with his best friend. Even though he had become the World Monarch the boy knew that conquering Leon was only a small meta goal to his ultimate dream, becoming the Pokemon Master.

As the Sakura flowers bloomed and a rainbow shining above them, he knew that his and Pikachu's journey had only just begun.

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