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"So you're saying Dewey wants you two to go to Woodsboro?"

"Well I am not going back there.  I may tolerate you both, but after what you did, I don't think I'll ever feel safe there."

You had the printed copy of the email on the coffee table.  Stu and Billy flanked the sides of your chair, and Darry and Randy were sitting on the sofa across from you.  You all stared at the paper with the blocky letters, processing what it said and trying to figure out what to do.

"It's been 10 years, no word from Dewey, and no new killers.  Isn't that the least bit suspicious to you," Billy stated.

"I always hate it when I agree with you, but I'm with him on this one," Randy announced.  "Besides, every franchise is getting these reboots or unwanted sequels, and Stab has been struggling the past few years.  This could very well be a trap."

"I want to tell you to stop comparing real life to movies again, but considering what I've heard about these situations in the past, I think I'll let you go off," Darry muttered.  "But what about the kids?"

"You help (y/n) with Tony and we'll go see if there's any threats in town," Stu suggested, gesturing between him and Billy.

"Not happening," Randy told him.  "Besides, who even said we are going?  Personally, I'm busy at work, and I don't wanna leave my family.  I've got a husband and kids to look after, I don't want to join Dewey and his potential-psychotic-killer-mess."

"Trademark that mouthful.  While you're at it, we'll be making sure Woodsboro is safe," Stu said.

"Why would you do that if we're choosing not to go," you asked.

"Because I know you.  You're sitting here agreeing with Randy, but inside you're going 'what if it's not a trap', 'what if Dewey finally wants to talk again', 'what if what if what if'.  And I don't want you walking in to something stupid," Stu ranted.

"He has a point," Billy added quietly.

"Tell me they're wrong," Randy demanded.  "Tell me you are not thinking about this."

"You said it yourself.  You managed to come around.  Maybe Dewey did to," you said.

"That was 10 years ago," Darry reminded you angrily.  "Whatever this guy wants isn't that important!  What happens here is!"

"As much as I hate how he let that out, he has a point," Randy responded.

"But how can you be sure?  You did this with Sidney, your friend since childhood, and how did that turn out?"

"Low blow.  I'm proud," Stu snickered.

"That is not my fault!  Sidney became even more of a social shut in after Roman!"

"You never even bothered to reach out!  How long has it been, 4, 5 years?"

"Will you two drop it," Billy demanded.  "There are children upstairs who hate us shouting at each other.  So quiet down, and move on to the next point."

"Fine.  Hypothetically, this is just Dewey trying to reconnect and this is all completely innocent.  What about the kids," Randy pointed out.  "We can't just take them to Woodsboro for god knows how long without warning.  And there's no chance I'm letting my kids near that town."

"... they could stay with my sister ..."

"Darry, don't help them!"

The two began bickering, with Darry suddenly switching sides.  You and the two boys just watched on in awe, not really wanting to step in.  One thing you had learned about Darry and Randy was that they'd get into the most heated arguments, or the pettiest of fights.  But give them five minutes to themselves and they'd have it all worked out in a matter of minutes.

It was honestly terrifying and awe inspiring.

But, that meant the two reached a quick and speedy solution to whatever issue had plagued them.

"Alright," Randy relented.  "The curiosity would get to me too.  Me and you are going down for just the weekend."

"What about us," Stu whined with a mocking pout.

"You're staying here with Darry and the kids," Randy stated.  "Woodsboro is a risk in itself because it's fucking Woodsboro.  You two, Roman apparently... the two originals going back is a terrible idea."

"Just because they go back doesn't mean you're gonna get stuck in another sequel!  Besides, wouldn't it be safer if they went along?  If safety is your main concern, you'd be shooting yourself in the foot with that," Darry said.

"What did I say about not helping them?!"

"Well it's my job to call you out when you say something stupid!"

"Wow.   I think I just got demoted," you muttered.

"No, someone still needs to watch him at work," Darry told you.  "You're just getting moved to part time."

"Only took a damn decade for you two to come for me," Randy complained quietly.

"You know you love us," Darry said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Aww, how come we never act all lovey dovey like that," Stu shouted.

"Because the last time we let you behave like that, it wasn't a quick kiss.  You tried to have a full make out session like the sex scene in a horror film," Billy informed him.

"In front of Tony," you added.

"He was too caught up in the movie he was watching, it wasn't like he'd actually notice!"

"Either way, you lost your privileges," Billy informed him.

"Look, back to the main point!  Me and (y/n) go to Woodsboro for the weekend. Find out what Dewey wants, attend any surprise funerals, and get the hell outta dodge before any copycats get the chance to get any ideas," Randy rambled.  

"You seriously think we're not coming with," Billy asked.  "As much as I hate agreeing with goody-two-shoes, it'd be safer if we came along."

"We've let (y/n) get themself into enough trouble and danger over the years, we're not taking this chance," Stu stated. 

"Look, we can leave the kids with my sister!  She loves them!  And then we could go to Woodsboro, take a nice weekend off~"

"DARRY!!  Stop helping them!  This isn't a weekend off, as much as I'd like that!  This is: we're taking a major risk going back there for whatever Deputy Dipshit wants!"

"Okay, take a deep breath," you quickly demanded.  "You're going to say something you regret."

"No!  No I'm fucking not!  He cuts us out for a decade, and does this now that we've got kids to take care of?!  We've got families now, we can't go running around a town known for its psychotic killers!"

"And how is Dewey supposed to know that," you fired back.  "He hasn't talked to us in a decade!  He wouldn't know!"

"Yeah, he does," Randy corrected.  "He's the one who helped forge Tony's birth certificate when Tom died, remember?!  He knows damn well that at least you have a kid!"

"One weekend," Darry stated.  "One weekend, just you and (y/n), we'll stay with the kids.  Happy?"

Randy took a deep breath, looked at his husband, and replied with an annoyed 'Very.'

A/n: don't mind me, making this super late...

Anyways, trying to find new fics to write to disturb my brother.  So ignore me as I spend too long throwing around shitty ideas.

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