Poppy has a sister? 𓆩😵𓆪

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they find another troll! "OH MY GOSH HELLOOOO" Says poppys sister  "My name is VIVA" poppys sister viva says cheerfully, as she quickly hugs everybody there she sees poppy, "where'd you get your hug him bracelet, I used to have one just like it" viva says waiting for an answer, "my dad gave it to me" said poppy,  "this is another really random question" said viva "is your dad king peppy? " asks viva, "yes? Why" said poppy in confusion. "POPPY I'M YOUR SISTER! " said viva in excitement, "WHAT" said poppy in absolute shock,  after a whille  they ended up seeing another brother! "CLAY" Yelled jd and branch,  "I didn't think I would see any of my brothers again" said clay as he ran up to branch and bruce and hugged them, "I'm here too you know" said jd. "Ofc your here" said clay upsettingly. "Come on man it's about Floyd, he is trapped in a diamond bottle" said jd. "Wait WHAT" after a while they were in a fight. "I stopped being a baby the day you walked out on me and  never came back, cause I had to" said branch with an upset look on his face "and I tried singing again but the burgans found us and ate grandma" said branch. "wait grandma got eaten..? " said clay in shock and confusion..

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