Chapter Ten

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It's five in the morning by the time Tabitha packs, books two last minute plane tickets, and completes her portrait of the man in my apartment. Guilt sears my stomach when I glimpse his webbed face. Yes, he threatened me with a gun. Yes, he said he was going to kill me. But still, I don't want his death on my hands.

When Tabitha and I leave the apartment building, my heart sinks. Saige's car is still parked in the parking lot. I try to hide myself behind Tabitha as we walk through the lot toward Tabitha's car.

We walk right by the beige sedan. Saige's head lolls against the window. Tabitha passes first, stalking toward a black SUV parked slightly away from other vehicles. As I creep past Saige, her eyes flutter open, connecting with mine. Her eyes bolt open, and she sits upright. I shake my head frantically, holding a finger to my lips. Her face contorts with rage, but I race ahead.

The door pops open behind me. Tabitha is already opening the trunk of her SUV, shoving her suitcase inside, so I turn around, bringing my finger once more to my lips and mouthing, 'please!' Fear strains my facial features. Saige pauses, one foot out the door, regarding me with a mixture of frustration and confusion.

I mouth, "I'll explain later. But don't make a scene. Please."

Saige's brows knit together. I whirl around, hurrying to the passenger seat as Tabitha rounds the side.

"Hop in. The door's unlocked."

I jump into the front seat, securing my seat belt. Saige's head still hangs outside her car across from us. It's like she can't process what's going on. In all honesty, I can't process things, either. I just hope Tabitha doesn't notice her gawking at us.

Tabitha gets into the driver's seat. Her door shuts with a finality. I'm trapped in here with a crazy woman who holds death at her fingertips. I avert my gaze from Saige.

The engine hums to life, but Tabitha removes her hands from the steering wheel, settling them in her lap. "Do you know her?"

My blood freezes. "Uh, who?"

"That girl who keeps staring at us."

I look at Saige, who's head peeks out from her open door. "No. I don't know what her problem is." The wheels in my head spin rapidly, and I spit out the first thing that comes to mind. "She gave me the finger on the way over here. Don't know what's up with her."

Tabitha regards me for a long moment. Then, mercifully, she places her hands on the steering wheel. "Interesting. Perhaps it's the person I backed up into the other day." She puts the car into gear, and we roll forward.

I breathe a sigh of relief. At least Saige is safe... for now.

🕸 ✩⋆。°🕸。°⋆✩🕸

One flight and a hotel check-in later, I'm peering outside a window overlooking Seattle, Washington, home of The Symphonic Order's headquarters. Tabitha unpacks her suitcase, filling up the closet with flowing fabrics. Even now, in her travel clothes, she wears a white, silken jumpsuit with red flowers and green leaves on it.

I hug my elbows, sighing to myself. Of all the things I imagined with this job, I never imagined being semi-kidnapped and forced to break into a secret society's home base. I don't even have my phone, or a way to contact Saige.

My eyes zero-in on the telephone. If only I knew her phone number. Then, I could call Saige. But what would I even say? It's not like she can fly to Seattle and save me. No, I need to come up with a way out of here on my own.

Right now, the best way to do that is to survive.

Tabitha spins around, closing the closet doors. "Ready for some opera?"

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