Long ass AN (This is important btw)

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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ☆ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Finally finished!!!⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ☆ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

Hello there fellow Lego enthusiast, 

First off I would like to inform you this is for SHITS AND GIGGLES ONLY. I'm just fucking around. please PLEASE PLEASE don't take this story seriously 🙏 cause I'm legit just taking Chinese mythology and inserting head canons that make no sense but I have none the less. (not me rewriting a culture 💀) This is in no way meant to be offensive or insensitive I'm just having fun. PLS READ THE STORY DESCRIPTION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE BOOK!!

okay with that outta the way.......Lets get to the fun stuff!!

If you couldn't already tell from the title this is A Lego Monkie Kid x Ninjago fanfiction. Why am I writing this? Cause Ninjago and DreamZzz got an official collab!!! And don't get me wrong I ADORE DreamZzz but Monkie Kid deserves some love too you know? I know the animation style is different and coming up with a cohesive narrative for the two shows is near impossible. BUT. Impossible is just another type of possible!!!

Oh yea I forgot....

⚠WARNING⚠: This book contains sensitive topics, such as: SH, SA, Graphic Violence, alcohol and substance use/overdose, panic Attacks, Vivid nightmares, Homophobia, Racism, Transphobia, Mild Sexism, Murder, Suicide, vomit, Torture, My stupidity and a lot of other possibly harmful stuff. If any of these, and I mean ANY of these triggers or makes you uncomfy please leave and go find a nice fluffy cupcakes and rainbows book to read 🙏. You know yourself best and if you think you can handle it by all means go ahead but I'm not about to be the cause of a strangers heart attack ❤

Ships that will be featured in this book in include:

- Pixane
- Jaya
- Lava
- (sadly) Llorumi (one-sided)
- Cole x Cake
- Nya and Pixel x cool gadgets and vehicles 

- LMK -
- Shadowpeach
- Freenoodles
- Lionpeach (one-sided)
- Irondull/Irondumpling (I seen people use both xd)
- Chimera (Mei and Mk are Queerplatonic in this one, I just don't ship them 😔)
- Redson x being in denial
- Spicynoodles
- Dragonfruit
- Spider Queen x Scorpion Queen (cause why tf not and I think their dynamic would be cute)

(might add in a few more as I go along but those are the ones I'm certain will be in the book)

If you don't like my choice of ships the door is hear ----->🚪 (I'm just kidding pls stay🙏)

The head canons in this book are wild so bear with me here T-T

Btw the Spider Gang is alive because they didn't deserve to die and you can't convince me otherwise 😠 Spindrax is gonna be there cause I like her and I think they missed an opportunity by not putting her in the show. Speaking of the spider gang lemme know if you guys wanna see toxicinsanity or Silktea, cause I'm down if anyone wants it.

I'm way too lazy to write Pixel's name as "P.I.X.E.L" so it'll juts be "Pixel" like a normal name should be 😔

Chinese will be present in the book (and I'll provide translations guys dw)

And before anyone asks (cause there is always someone that does without fail) there will NOT be smut in this book. It will be implied and make outs are most certainly present but it never surpasses kissing!! Not because I can't write it, oh no far from it actually. I just feel smut works better in Oneshot books😔 

Idk how often I'll update but I'll try my very best plus only like 2 months until summer and summer means more updates in my sad world 

I'm accepting criticism and ideas cause I'm not the best at writing what I see in my mind and putting it on paper-or in this case screen. so if this is absolute dog shit, tell me it's absolute dog shit pls❤

Now sit back, Relax, Maybe grab a snack or two idk

And maybe hold on to something while you're at it. This book ain't called Crumbling Foundations for nothing<3 (I'm so funny you guys 😍)

 pls laugh🧍

Kind Regards,
Jade, 04/27/24

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ☆ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Nothing to see here⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ☆ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

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