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"Thank you for watching the chicken, Athena!" I thank her as I come back up the stairs an hour later. "I've just taken it out, it looked done so" she shrugs and I look at it. "It's perfect, thank you again" I smile before dishing it up and mixing in the chicken with the salad before placing it on the plates. "Alright, dinner's up!" I call, setting plates down on the table and everyone makes their way upstairs, sitting down and thanking me.

When Buck comes up the stairs, he has a dirty rag in his hands which he puts in his pocket before coming to sit down. "Wash your hands" I say absentmindedly and Buck looks at me. "Sorry, that just slipped out" I apologise. "Don't apologise. Buck" Bobby points to the sink and Buck goes and washes his hands before sitting down.

"You know the drill guys, come on" Bobby holds out his hands and everyone else does the same, joining hands and I take Athena's in my right and Bobby's in my left before closing my eyes as Bobby says grace before we start eating. "Oh my god, Cassandra this is wonderful!" Athena says after she takes a bite and everyone murmurs in agreement.

"You gotta teach me how to make this, it's beautiful" Hen says in between mouthfuls and I smile. "I would but I've got a secret ingredient. Sorry" I tease and Hen groans. "What is it with you chefs and your secret ingredients. First Cap, now you" Chim sighs before taking another bite. "If we didn't have secret ingredients, anyone could make the dish and then it's not as special anymore" I shrug and Bobby looks at me.

"Thank you. See, she gets it" Bobby says pointedly and I laugh. "So, I want to know more about you" Athena says after taking a sip of water. "What do you want to know?" I smile, taking a bite of the chicken. "You said you lived in Florida but you don't have a Floridian accent. Where are you from?" Athena questions.

"Born in Denver, Colorado then moved down to Florida in '91, went to school there and became a dress designer and worked in a boutique until I was 29. Then I worked in a call centre for 4 years before I became a firefighter in 2010" I explained. "Wait, how old are you?" Buck asks and I laugh at Bobby's face. "Buck!" he glares at him and I laugh.

"How old do you think I am, Buck?" I turn it on him and he stutters. "Ooh, you've dropped yourself in it now Evan" Hen laughs as she shakes her head. "You won't offend me" I reassure him. "I don't know, 35?" he plays it safe. "Well, the math ain't mathin' on that one, is it?" I laugh. "I didn't want to be rude!" he defends himself and I laugh even more.

"Well, I'm honoured you think I'm that young" I smile at him. "How old are you then?" Bobby asks, suddenly curious. "You hypocrite" Buck mutters. "Guess" I challenge. "Absolutely not" Bobby shakes his head. "What? Are you worried you'll think I'm older than I actually am?" I tease. "Like you would guess my age" Bobby teases back. "52" I say blankly, taking a gulp of water.

"How the hell..." Chim mutters. "I'm a smart girl, I looked you up in the firefighter database the other day" I smirk and he laughs. "There's a firefighter database?" Eddie looks between us. "You didn't know that?" I look at him and he shakes his head. "But seriously, now I'm actually curious" Hen looks at me and I sigh.

"47, 48 next month" I reveal and everyone's jaw drops. "What?" I look at everyone. "Shut up. You are not 47" Athena looks at me. "I think I would know, I was kinda there at all my birthdays" I say sarcastically and she laughs. "Girl, I thought you were 30" Hen shakes her head. "Holy shit" Buck blinks in shock. "What?" I laugh. "Nothing, it's just, you're gorgeous" he shakes his head.

"Thanks but I don't know what my age has to do with that and I think you just offended both of the other women here" I giggle as Buck's face contorts to one of terror. "Wait, what? No, I didn't mean it like that" he rambles and I bite my lip to stop from laughing too hard. My eye catches Bobby's and we look at each other for a few seconds before we both burst out laughing at Buck's panic, causing everyone else to start laughing as well.

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