Fighting the pretty girl

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Annabeth guided me to Cabin 11. She said its counselor would set aside a place for me to sleep in the crowded cabin.

The cabin looked relatively normal compared to the other extravagant cabins, the only thing that differentiated it from a normal mortal cabin was the caduceus on the door, a sign of the messenger god.

My guide opened the door and I saw many children in many bunk beds. The cabin must have some charm on it because seen from the outside, the cabin is not that big.

All the children looked at me, some with looks of curiosity and others of annoyance.

- Luke! - Annabeth called.

I saw an older, sand colored skin, dark-haired boy with a scar on the right side of his face stop talking to a Latino boy and look at us. His jaw clenched and his breath hitched for a moment, but he recomposed and smirked at our direction.

- Oh hi! Sorry, capture the flag is going to be soon and we won't remain undefeated if we don't plan something. Right, Annabeth? -

- Don't worry, Athena always has a plan. This is Ada, a newcomer. Ada, this is Luke, Hermes's cabin counselor. - she placed a hand on my right shoulder.

I smiled politely at Luke as I raised my left hand as a wave.

- Hi, Annabeth told me about you. Could you show me my spot, please? -

- All good things I hope. Follow me, I'll get you settled. -

He guided me to the left end of the cabin. Even the bunk beds there were occupied.

Luke opened a closet that was on the middle and pulled out a sleeping bag.

- We are kind of very full, but there's always space for one more. -

He placed the sleeping bag on the floor.

- Don't worry, it's temporary. I'll try to find you something nicer. - Luke smirked and patted my right elbow.

- It's fine. Thanks for the help. I just wanted to leave my backpack and see the rest of the camp with Annabeth. - I gave him a weak smile.

He looked over my shoulder to the Athena's girl with an eyebrow raised.

- Hey little sis, are you trying to steal my job now? Showing the ropes it's kinda my thing. -

- Oh please, you bore people to death with all your pep talks. -

I almost laughed as I stuffed my backpack into my sleeping bag. I wasn't going to leave it out in the open in the god of thieves' cabin.

Luke clutched his pearls and gasped.

- For your information, people say I'm the perfect big brother. Thank you very much. You go finish the guide but bring her back before dinner, I'm still her counselor and I still have many pep talks to give. - He winked at me and went back to the wavy haired boy.

- You ready? - Annabeth asked me.

- Let's go. - I smiled at her as we exited the cabin.


We spent a couple of hours talking as we walked across the camp.

It was easy talking with Annabeth, she would let out a cool fact about the buildings which would spark a conversation about a totally different topic.

She offered to try out the climbing wall together and I agreed. To say it was difficult was a lie, it was VERY difficult. The lava and the slippery steps made a challenging duo, and yet Annabeth seemed to be climbing it in some kind of pattern that I couldn't see.

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