that's not normal mead

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" You ready " Lucille whispered. We both stood in front of the ballroom door. I ended up convincing her to wear one of the gowns that offered me and to do her makeup and hair too. No way was I doing this alone.

" Yep" I whispered back. I gripped her hand both of our hands clammy with anxiousness, I don't know what she was anxious about, but I feel like it's got to do with what lays behind the grand doors we stand before.

As if they had known we stood there, the doors opened wide on their own.

I gasped at the site in front of me.

It was like we entered another world. The flowers and vines lining the walls and dropping from the ceilings between the glittery chandeliers, centrepiece statues of naked bodies filled out the room. Those who were invited roamed the room mingling in their glorious gowns and suits. My eyes widened at the site of it all, they sited everything all at once until they landed at a familiar head sitting on the throne.

The king sat, emitting a powerful aura that I felt from here. His black hair, curled against his crown only making it glisten more in the light. He wore a black suit that not only emphasized his power but also the body that wore it underneath. His black eyes trained on me. Not breaking our eye contact he beckoned forward with his wrist.

As if I was compulsed I followed his order. Walking forward in a straight line until I stood in front of him. His hungry eyes roamed over my body causing my heart to beat even harder. He stood up and walked down towards me, holding our stare until he stood directly in front of me. Is he going to compliment me, kiss me? That hunger was undoubtedly to most intense look I've ever received.

And then turned away to the crowd. Bummer.

" Silence " he spoke, voices steady with authority " today's guest of honour is Angerona, she has been brought to me as a gift , touch her or speak to her and you will suffer the punishment from my hands" he threatened, eyeing all the guests " this party is not to distract you from our goal , we shall be heading to war soon and with that enjoy the evening"

As he spoke the room fell silent, eyes fell on to me with either curiosity or jealousy.

I slowly waved to the crowd. And everyone raised a glass up as if to accept his words without questioning and with that little speech they all resumed their evening as if this was the most normal thing ever.

" They're obedient " I spoke to king Azreal who stood beside me.

" I am their king; they have to be, or they're punished."

" You have a sadistic tendency seems " I muttered to him eyeing out the statues.

" Hey, that statue moved " I exclaimed to him. Shocked that something made of stone moved.

" They've been casted on; everything here is magic" he spoke as if I should've known already.

Everything is magic here. Where the hell am I?

" Yeah but-" before I could utter another word he turned around and walked to the twins and himal who sat a long table near the throne. This audacity of this guy! I can't believe him.

Whilst thinking of every way to stab him I was interrupted by someone holding a tray of glass.

" Wine ma'am " he asked, holding out the tray. He like everyone else, had a beautiful face, he smiled encouraging me to collect a glass and his teeth glistening showing me his sharp teeth. I gasped and he slowly closed his mouth in embarrassment.

" I'm sorry to frighten you with my appearance" he said sadly, slightly lowering the tray in apprehension.

Oh, shit you've just about done it and scared the help, you idiot.

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