chapter eight.

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( PSYCHIC DELUSIONS ) , save me.

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DEREK SPENT THE NIGHT. And surprisingly Florence didn't kick him out this time like she did with all her other casual hook-ups. It must be all the serotonin in her body right now. Being with Derek did that. Now, she sat watching him change into his clothes, which were from the previous night, and she smiled up at him, happy and content of where she was right now in her life. 

Except there was one problem - a nagging feeling so to say. 

She knew nothing, and I mean nothing about the guy. And don't get her wrong, she didn't like getting to know her so-called, casual hookups, but this thing with Derek felt different. She liked it and didn't want to leave him to be all high and dry like the others. 

"So," Florence longed out. "We should sleep at your place tonight." She prompted. Again, knowing nothing about about the man, she had no clue where this man lived. 

Turning around from the sink where he was brushing his teeth, he asked, "What?" 

"I've been thinking," The female then got up from her bed and leaned against the doorframe that connected to her bathroom and asked, "Why don't we sleep at your house tonight? I mean - that is - if you even have one."

"One what?" 

"A house, with a closet. With your personal stuff in it." She clarified, the nagging feeling in her stomach not going away. "Do you even have one of those, Shep?"

The guy merely grabbed his bag, cupping her chin cutely on his way past her as he hummed to himself, "Hmm," as he made his way to the kitchen where Lucy was set up, making herself some breakfast. "Good morning, Jones."

"Good morning," The brunette smiled back in return. The two had grown closer as they both shared one thing in common - Florence Ledger. They were friends so to say, at least he thought so. 

"You know, I like it here, Flo." Derek told the blonde. "Hey, you said so yourself - you liked having your things around, sleeping in your own bed-"

"-you're a health nut, aren't you?" Lucy cut him off with a smirk, watching him grab the same breakfast cereal he had eaten for the past several days. "I mean, it's not everyday that you see some one eat Muesli every morning."

"No, I don't." The male protested, almost as if it was a whine. 

"Yes, you do. The last seven days at least."

"Oh, come on." The male protested once more, thinking the words coming out of his friend's mouth were complete rubbish. "I haven't been here for a whole week... have I?" 

Smirking at him, she nodded. "See, even Luce think's it's weird." Then looking at her friend, she said, "Speaking of, when are you gonna go back to your own damn bedroom?"

"Jesus," The other sighed in reply. "No breakfast for you, then, huh?"

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