Camp greenlake

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It was the middle of August when Y/n L/n was arrested for stealing her dad's car and driving it into the ditch. Was she shocked she was getting sent to a boarding camp? No.

She looked out the window of the bus at all the holes dug and tried to spot this "lake" they referred to in the name. After a few minutes her dumbass finally realized that there was no lake and that this was gonna be a shitty 6 months.

The bus finally came to a stop as the officer uncuffed her hands and led her to a cabin where a grumpy looking man sat eating sunflower seeds.


I walk up to the man and he seems a bit shocked at first.

"Uh sure you in the right place girly?" The man asks

"Yes I'm sure"

"Well okay- Anyways I'm Mr Sir and that is what you'll call me got it"

"Yes Mr Sir" I replied

He throws 2 white t shirts, 2 orange jumpsuits, one white crop top and a pair of work boots at me

"These are your clothes one pair for work one pair for relaxation. After 3 days you'll wash your work clothes and your relaxation pair becomes your work pair, got it?"

"Yes Mr Sir"

Just then a man wearing a sun hat and ALOT of sunscreen comes in

"Hello Miss L/n I'm your counselor Mr pandanski. Now I know you've done some bad things but that does not make you a bad kid got it"

"Yup" I say not really liking the vibes he gives off thinking he seems a bit too nice..

He eventually shows me around the camp and explains the digging holes part to me before showing me the tent I'm in. I quickly take note on how there's no other females here and get a bit sad (I don't care I'm making you a girls girl🙄)

"Now this is your tent you'll be sharing with a few boys but this is Rex, Theodore and Ricky. Say hi boys" says Mr pandanski

"Hey I'm X-ray that's Armpit and Zigzag"

"They all have their little nicknames but I prefer to use their names their parents gave them the ones they'll be recognized by in society"

I look at the boys not disliking any of them from the first interaction but taking a liking to the tall blonde boy they called zigzag. Sure he committed a crime to end up here and it could be murder but then again I can't really judge since I'm in the same HOLE as him.
(See what I did there🤡🤡)

Anyways I know this is a short first chapter but I promise the other ones will be longer❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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