02| The Strength Within! The Dragon's Spirit

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< 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 >

"Hey," Blake greeted Andre who had turned to him after wiping the blood from his hands with a handkerchief.

"Hmm?" Andre hummed out with a raised brow.

"You look pretty strong. You wanna join my crew?" Blake asked the boxer perfectionist before he held out his hand to Andre casually. "I need your strength. Any goal you may have, I'll help you achieve it as long as you help me achieve mine."

< 𝕷𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖊 >

"Join your crew?" Andre questioned; he had never been offered something like Blake's proposal.

Blake nodded. "I need a crew. A crew made up of the strongest fighters in Seoul. I have a goal to reach but I will need your strength, Andre." Blake explained to the suave boxer.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Andre responded. He looked at Blake Kim's hand and placed his own in his pants pockets. "Why should I join your crew, Blake? I don't even know who you are as a man or a fighter."

"You wanna fight me?" Blake asked. "I can do that if you want. I'm no boxer but I'm good at what I do." Reassured Blake as he placed his hands in his pockets.

Andre narrowed his eyes a bit. "Don't worry about it. My boxing style hasn't always fought other boxers. I can take on anyone, anytime." He proclaimed.

Blake chuckled and asked Andre, "Are you okay with leaving J High's school grounds?" Blake removed a pair of fingerless gloves from his pocket and placed them onto his hands. The pair of gloves looked similar to the ones worn in the UFC. The gloves looked a bit ragged and bore the Kanji for "Kim" in the center. "I'm sure we can find a good place to fight." The son of Gapryong Kim said while turning around and heading to the school gates.

Andre followed him and responded. "We can leave. You see I'm not in class now. I've already completed all the assignments due this week so there's no reason for me to be in there until I learn something worth using my brain." That was another thing about Andre, perfection meant everything to him but not in the way others would think. Unlike Jean-Pierre in his prime, Andre didn't desire perfection corruptly. No, he desired near perfection. The boxer desired something reachable. He wanted to sharpen everything as much as possible. Mind, body, soul, heart. Andre wanted to perfect them all to the best of his abilities.

"Interesting. You're incredibly smart too," Blake commented as the two fighters left the J High's entrance. "Why'd you join the Beauty Department though? What could you possibly learn from doing makeup and shit?" He asked while looking over his shoulder at Andre while he continued to walk.

"My older sister, Maria," Andre said while picking up his speed and walking next to Blake as his eyes remained on the pavement ahead. "She wants to be a model and I want to help her. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't find a way to help my sister in achieving her dreams? When she starts doing some beauty pageants I want to be the person who makes her look as beautiful as possible."

"That's admirable. I wish I was close to my siblings. I'd like to do something that could help them in the future. Unfortunately, my old man was a man who loved women and had kids with all of them." Blake told Andre with a soft chuckle. "I don't blame him though. Women are the most beautiful gems on this planet. They protect, nurture, and comfort us men when we need them in our darkest hours. Just their presence can change a man's life."

Andre listened to every word Blake said. 'Hmph. He doesn't speak like a womanizer. I can hear his genuine appreciation for women in his voice. He's an interesting guy. Sadly, there aren't many chivalrous men these days. It's nice to know some are still around.' Andre suddenly asked, "You never tried to find them?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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