June 2 MMXXI

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It was a fine evening, the sky was pink. The sun was no where to be seen but still the sky was illuminated. I looked around, and then I saw her waiting for me . She was wearing her favourite red long sleeve tees and dark blue jeans. "Mileeee"  I screamed! She turned back and in excitement came running to me and kicked me. "Ouch! What'd you do that for? ", I yelled in pain.
"Why did you turn up so late. I was waiting here this whole time. Look what you've been missing" She replied. She grabbed my hand and started running towards the beach. She slowed down as we reached the shore. The color of sky was being reflected in the sea, waves crashing onto the shore, flock of birds returning to their  nests far away and at last but not the least, there stood at infinity the glorious sun slowly submerging itself in the vast ocean of hope. Woah , what a mesmerizing sight, I said to myself. I snapped back to reality when she kicked me again. She said "I knew that you'd love this and that was the sole reason why I chose this spot for our first meeting". "Yes! I abso-fckin-lutely love it !!! " , I replied. Just then all the events passed through my mind, our accidental meeting in an online game, the time we spend in discord listening to cringey songs, watching "dil bechara" together, ,calling each other names . Today marks six months since we first met. Six months passed by very fast  , so fast that I couldn't keep up with the series of events that took place in the meantime. Shit, time really doesn't wait for no one right. And  sooner or later I'd have to go to hostel again- back to the boring life with no phone and laptop. How will I communicate with Emy when I go back to hostel? I mean there's no possible way for me to right, so will that be the end of everything, all the memories we cherished together, all the times when we'd listen to songs together in discord, and one of the good thing that happened to my life. Will it really be the end of things or would she wait for me till I get back? Will she forget me? So many thoughts flooded my mind. This question has been with me for so long, so long that I forgot when I started to think of it. it all Probably started when the harsh reality of me returning to my hostel  struck me so hard . I didn't want to lose her, I love her , I really do love her from the bottom of my heart. I find it so hard to confess it to her. What if her reply was a plain " no"? Can I bear the weight of rejection from a loved one. Or will she let go of me in anger. Will I lose the person who stood by me in bad times, I'm scared, I'm scared of losing you, but I find it pretty hard to confess. I'm really gonna miss you if I had to return to hostel. I love you. And then I said "I wanna ask something, this thing had been on my mind for days now, that idk when it actually got stuck in my mind". " Go on", she replied. "You know, corona cases are getting lower and lower everyday, and that's a good thing. Since corona cases are lowering, there is a high chance for lockdown to be called off, which would you know result in me going back to hostel and I'd be left with no means of communicating with you. What would you do in such a situation? How will we communicate then? ". She then let go of my hand and started walking towards the sea, then she turned her head slightly, her smooth hair covering half of her face she replied " I don't really know what to say , I'm helpless. ". As she said this, she started to move away, move towards the sea. I tried to run and catch up with her, I screamed and cried her to stop and come back, but no, it was all in vain. All for nothing, I couldn't reach her. I stood there helpless, crying my heart out. I only wished for us to be together till the end. What should I sacrifice in order to achieve that?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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