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Aftercare---what are they like after the deed has been done:

Muzan: Normally, he will make sure that Kokushibo is okay, whether that be through kissing all over Kokushibo's face, or through verbal communication. Now, even as a rough lover, Muzan will be soft with his words, and speak in a tone that won't overwhelm his partner even more then their session had. Baths are soon taken, with Muzan either trying to arouse Kokushibo again, or actually washing themselves up (the latter being the most expected).

Kokushibo: After being pounded for god knows how long, he will probably be a bit messy. He'll kiss Muzan a few times, wipe any tears off his face or let Muzan kiss them away. Kokushibo isn't the biggest fan of being riddled with semen afterwards---during the moment he will often get off on it---so he will regularly encourage bathing after sex.

Body part---what is their favourite body part of themselves, and their partner:

Muzan: For himself, it is his mouth; he loves what it can do. His mouth has caused the death to many, and the pleasure to his partner. For Kokushibo, it is Kokushibo's stomach. Muzan loves kissing and massaging Kokushibo's stomach, even if it makes the latter ticklish.

Kokushibo: For himself, it is his arms. Kokushibo loves how strong he is, and really enjoys being able to lift up Muzan with no struggle. For Muzan, it is Muzan's hands. Oh, how they make him squirm. It's both arousing and comforting to Kokushibo.

Cum---anything to do with cum:

Muzan: He doesn't mind the placement all too much, knowing that they'll take a bath in the end anyways. He likes it in his mouth and hands---and with the odd time that Kokushibo tops him, he likes it in his ass.

Kokushibo: Kokushibo is a little more fussy, as he isn't a fan of being dirty for so long. Between his thighs, on his abdomen, in his ass, etc. As long as it isn't in his hair, and won't stay there for too long, it won't bother Kokushibo.

Dirty secret---its in the title:

Muzan: He wants Kokushibo to sit on his face, even if Kokushibo will crush him.

Kokushibo: Kokushibo jerked off in an Upper Moon meeting, not only was he NOT caught by any other Upper Moon, but Muzan ended up helping him later in the day.

Experience---do they know what they're doing:

Muzan: Yes.

Kokushibo: Yes.

Favourite position---also in the title:

Muzan: He isn't picky, and will happily try new positions, though he loves fucking face-to-face. Lotus. Missionary. Things like that.

Kokushibo: Kokushibo, as much as he gets insecure about his face, also does like fucking face-to-face. Though, Kokushibo really likes straddling positions, and Muzan isn't opposed to sitting on his stomach while playing with Kokushibo's cock.

Goofy---how serious are they:

Muzan: Eh, he's serious. He might make a dirty joke, or something, but it's mostly to tease Kokushibo.

Kokushibo: No, he is serious. Sex is important for him; he loves spending time with Muzan. Though, there is the odd time he'll make a teasing joke.

Hair---how well groomed are they, is it a mess:

Muzan: He just waxes it off; Muzan sees no use for body hair.

Kokushibo: He can get a bit fussy sometimes, and let his pubic hair grow, but it is never messy or out of control. The odd tuft here and there. Muzan normally helps him out with shaving/waxing.

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