Chapter 1

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"Sophie I can carry her and take her to Elwin." Dex said in a calm voice to try and help Sophie who is panicking on how to get one of her best friends out who had just been almost killed.

"Umm, Fine! Please, keep her safe and be careful!" Sophie said to her first friend. Dex nodded.

"I'll go with. She is my sister." Fitz said heading toward Briana and Dex.

"Whatever we just need to get Briana to Elwin so she can be healed." Dex said and he rummaged through his pockets to find the crystal to Foxfire. Fitz had already had his little sister cradled in him arms. "Ready?" Dex asked as he pulled the crystal into the light.

"Yes. Now lets go. She's losing more blood." Fitz said with more worry in his voice.

They step into the light that leads them to Foxfire. To Elwin. To save Briana.


I'm so sorry this is so short but it's really late and I'm really tiered to bare with me. I will try my best to update this asap. 😋

Words: 182

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