please wake up

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Romeo P.O.V

"Romeo...." Wendy says weakly

"Yes Wendy" I smile looking at her and she falls unconscious.

"Wendy!" I yell. I pick her up in my arms.

 "Wendy wake up" I say shaking her. I put my hand to her forehead to see if she's okay that's when I hear tiny footsteps.

"Wendy what's all this noise... actually I'm glad you woke me up I dreamt about fish" Charles says disgusted. She walked into the lounge room where Wendy and I are.

Charles comes out and she sees Wendy unconscious with me touching her forehead.

"Get away from her you freak!" Charles yells at me.

"Charles it's not what you think, I was talking to her and she fell I was checking if she had a fever" I explain.

"Like I can believe you get out of here now Romeo" She says sternly. She rushed towards Wendy.

"Wendy..." I say. I left her room and I run up to the first room I see which happens to be Evergreens "Evergreen please open up!" I yell knocking on her door.

"What is it Romeo" Evergreen asks opening her door.

"It's Wendy she's fainted and is unconscious, please help her tell the guild I'm getting Porlyushica (I know I spelled that wrong... its close enough)" I say. Evergreen nods and runs to Wendy's room before running off to tell the guild.

I run outside and go to Porlyushica's place if anyone can help Wendy, it's her she is technically her mother after all.

I rush there and knock as loud as I can.

 "Open up please!" I yell.

"Go away I hate people" She yells back at me. 

"It's Wendy please" I said. That's when she opens up. 

"What's wrong with her" Porlyushica asks calmly.

"I don't know, she doesn't have a fever but she fell unconscious and it all started after she came back from a job all beaten up she says I am the one who hurt her even though I wasn't there I was with my father..." I say very fast.

"Okay that's enough boy your getting on my nerves is Wendy at the guild" She says. I nod and she goes back inside I think she's getting medicine. I run back to the guild and see Wendy in the infirmary and smile at Evergreen. 

"Thank you ever" I say.

"Don't call me ever only the Raijinshu, Laxus and Elfm... only the Raijinshu and Laxus can call me that" Evergreen says hitting me with her fan. I smile and look at Wendy she's sweating and breathing heavily.

That's when Porlyushica comes through the door and comes to the infirmary she tells us all to leave so I wait out at the bar and Mira made me a hot chocolate. 

"Is she okay" Mira asks.

"I hope so" I say.

"Did you really hurt Wendy on that job" Mira asks.

"No I would never do that I care about Wendy she's my best friend" I say sipping my got chocolate. I then look at Mira and she has hearts in her eyes. 

"Young love!" She squeals.

"No way!" I say looking away

*1 hour later*

"You can see her now" Porlyushica says coming out of the infirmary. I see Wendy still lying on the infirmary bed.

"So what's wrong with her" I ask.

"On that job you talked about she encountered what you call a chi demon they can turn into any person they want but it has to be someone the person that there trying to trick holds dear to their heart so in this case it's you little boy..." She says. I cut her off. 

"Wait she cares about me" I say

"Yes now shut up boy stop talking! The chi demon will start saying things to make Wendy lose all hope in you Romeo obviously in your body by saying things mean to Wendy like they never loved her or they hate everything about something that she loves like the demon would say he hates his comrades in fairy tail but in your body making her believe you say it the demon then will cast a spell on the Wendy which this spell is an ancient lost magic what it does is it puts a huge strain on Wendy's body and little by little hurts her , more and more until she forgets all about you and everything important to her the guild, you, Grandine even me and she will soon wither away and die" Porlyushica explains.

"And the only way to stop it is to kill the chi demon who cast the spell in the first place" She adds.

I look at Wendy.

"No this cant be, she cant die, she cant forget about me, I have to find this chi demon now do you know where he is" I say.

"No I'm sorry little boy anyway I must be off" Porlyushica says. With that she walks out of the guild.

Team Natsu had heard everything.

"We wont let Wendy die lets go find this demon" Gray smirks.

"Yeah she's our team mate lets bring her back" Lucy nii says.

"Aye" Happy says jumping in the air.

"Lets kill this chi demon and any of it's friends, lets make it wish he never was born" Erza says clenching her fists.

"I'm all fired up!"Natsu nii yells. Charles stays next to Wendy.

This is the fairy tail and I know that together we will save you Wendy.

"Romeo.." Charles says.

 "I'm sorry for yelling at you" She adds looking at me.

"It's okay Charles, I forgive you lets just make sure she doesn't die or forget about her family" I say smiling.

Charles lies down on the bed with the unconscious Wendy and starts to sob quietly 

"Yeah..." She whispered.

Please be okay Wendy.

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