Episode 3: Party Crashers

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Rhonda was running until she reached Crystal City

John Dory: This is Crystal City?

Bruce: Why would Jade Dory be in trouble here?

Then the magical current went into a building and they followed it

When they got inside the current was gone

Branch: Something seems strange about this place

Then the lights went out

Clay: Hey! Who turned out the lights?

Then they came back on and Floyd and Bruce were gone

Clay: Where did Floyd and Bruce go?

Poppy: They disappeared!

Viva: This is scary!

Branch: Stay together everyone

Then the lights went out again

Branch: Seriously?

Then they came back on and Clay, Viva, and John Dory were gone

Branch: Oh no!

Poppy: What is going on?

Mysterious voice: I'll tell you what's going on

Then they saw a shadow

Branch: Who are you?

Strange Creature: You'll find out

Then Branch and Poppy were knocked unconscious

They woke up and saw the others

Viva: What's going on?

Strange Creature: Oh this was too perfect

Branch: You! Reveal yourself!

Then the creature stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself it was Bash the leader of the Party Crashers

Branch and Poppy: Bash!

Clay: Who?

Branch: Leader of the Party Crashers

Bash: It was such a brilliant plan and you fell for it

Viva: What plan?

Bash: This one

Then he held up a crystal and the magical current came out

Magic Current: Help! Help!

Branch: The magical current

Bash: It was so easy all I needed to do was make up this fake story and fake twin to get you here

Bruce: So John Dory doesn't have a twin?

Bash: Nope I made her up

Pow: Uh Bash

Bash: What is it Pow?

Pow: We found this thing that you should see

Bash: Why? 

Pow: Just come and see

Then they left the room

Bash: What can be so important?

Pow: Well we were looking through the crystals to see what's going on in the different Troll Kingdoms when..

Party Crasher: We saw a female troll that looks just like the fake twin you made up

Bash: What? 

Another Party Crasher: And her name is Jade Dory

Bash: Jade Dory is not real I made her up

Pow: Oh she's quiet real, but we don't know if she's related to BroZone

Bash: Show me this troll

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