Chapter 14: Shadows of Jealousy

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It was getting dark outside, and Miguel and Emily were walking through it. The cool air around them matched the stress in their conversation. The only sound was the echo of their footsteps on the sidewalk, which carried the weight of what they didn't say.

Emily said in a soft voice, "It's been a really busy week."

Miguel attempted to smile, but his jaw tightened to conceal his distress. He spoke with less ease than normal, saying, "Yes, it's great to rest."

Emily's laughter filled the air, making Miguel feel a range of feelings. But he kept thinking about the meeting with Mark in the café as if it were a movie that wouldn't end.

Emily stopped all of a sudden, and her grip on Miguel's arm got tighter. "Miguel, look!" she yelled, catching his attention.

When Miguel looked in her direction, he saw Mark standing under the dim streetlight. This made his heart sink. Mark looked calm and had a small smile on his face as he watched them come closer.

Miguel's hands got tighter at his sides, and you could hear the anger in his words. He asked in a whisper, "What is he doing here?"

Emily scratched her head in confusion and looked back and forth between Miguel and Mark. Her tone showed that she wasn't sure what to say: "I... I don't know."

Miguel was about to respond when Mark crossed the street with his eyes fixed on Emily. Mark said, "Emily, Miguel, it's a nice surprise to run into you here." His voice had a hint of mystery to it.

When Miguel saw Mark's calm attitude, his mouth clenched even more, and his eyes got tighter. He asked Mark in a cold voice, "What do you want?"

Mark's smile got bigger, and he looked straight at Miguel with a hint of anger in his eyes. "It was nice to see you. Isn't the world so small?" Mark's voice was calm, but the meaning of what he said remained in the air.

Emily didn't like being next to Miguel because the stress in the air was getting heavier, covering both of them. "Mark, this isn't the right time," she said, pleading for calm in her.

Mark kept looking back and forth between Emily and Miguel as if he were determined to make trouble. It was clear that Mark was trying to get Miguel angry when he said, "Miguel, Emily, and I have a long past together."

As Miguel walked toward Mark, his heart was rushing, and he let out a scary growl. "What do you want to say?" There was a hint of anger in his tone, but it was mostly cautious.

As Mark looked at Miguel with fierce determination, his smile turned into something scary. "Emily knows where to find me if she ever wants something... more," Mark told Miguel. Mark's words stuck in the air, like a dare that hurt Miguel a lot.

Emily was shocked, and her heart was beating fast as she tried to figure out what was going on. "Mark, that's enough," she begged, her voice shaking with fear and anger.

Mark didn't seem to care about her plea; his smile got even bigger. "Emily, think about it. You know how to find me." The last thing Mark said was a jab, and then he turned on his heel and walked off into the night.

Miguel remained motionless, his mind a jumble of conflicting emotions. His hidden fears and worries came back to the surface all of a sudden, ready to take over. He looked at Emily and felt his emotions rising in his chest.

"Emily, I..." His voice trembled, and his throat got tighter, making it impossible for him to say the words he was trying to say.

Emily put out her hand, a little shaky, and gently put it on his arm. "Miguel, it's not what you think," she said, desperate for understanding.

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