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-he rhymes when his team wins.

-he cares about his team and hates when someone is messing with his team.

-His minigun, Sasha was named after his mom. And Svetlana, Oksana and Sheila were named by prisoners from gulag that sadly died.

-"Mother" of the team.

-Often talks Russian without realising.

-He refuses to show his true feelings, since his father was executed, he started protecting and working hard for his family to keep them safe.

-Before he was sent to the gulag and became a mercenary, he was studying literature to become an author.


- Doesn't really get enough of sleep.

- Understand Pyro surprisingly and can stand his shenanigans. Same with Scout.

- "Father" of the group.

- Hates mouses and rats

- drink so much coffee

- goggles are from his grandfather

-looks sane, but insane when he doesn't sleep for too long.



- used to drink a lot of beer, but he got a discount.

- stupid but actually smart

- racoon obsessed since he was a kid.

-hates soap and baths.

- wears the same outfit every day

- his helmet belonged to one soldier from the army. He gave it to Jane to follow his dreams.


- fall asleep everywhere and anywhere.

- named his caravan.

- he spends a lot of time in his sniper nest, that he has in there, bed, table and even cabinet with food.

- when it's Christmas, he usually wears his sweater from his mom when she dies.

- learnt how to knit and started knitting when he is bored (mostly in his sniper nest)

-When his parents died, he was in their house to clean it up and found some of their belongings to keep them.

-often called his parents to make sure they are ok. He usually calls them on their birthday and Christmas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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