Tw Abt like daddy issues 😻

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Literally what I wish I could say to my dad lol

Dear Dad

I hate you. I hate everything you did. I hate when you told me I had to finish the food you knew I hated, or the food that overwhelmed me before ?pm. I hate when you would take pictures of me and joke about my pain. I hate you for taking pictures every time I'd cry near you. Then you'd ask why I didn't show my feelings around you. I hate that you'd ask what trauma I had and then you'd say "I mean it wasn't thaaaat bad." I hate that you'd just crush the dreams I shared with you by telling me "You'll never be an actor. You'll always be an actress! A pretty actress." When all I wanted was to be loved for who I was. I hate you for laughing at my own choices, my style, my hair, my religion, my transition. When you screamed at me for being mad at you for making me break down. I hate when you told me I ate like a pig and you'd never get me any food other than lettuce again. I hate that I try to look at you and feel something. When you tell me I'm insane for something YOU DID. Because you just don't remember. I hate that I blame myself. I hate that I thought you were something to look up to. I hate that my friend's think you're just so fun. But you're trying to get better right? No. You're not. You just want to seem like a sweet angel around your girlfriend and her kids. I hate what you did to my mom. I hate you. I will never fucking forgive you. Fuck you and your girlfriend. That's the tip of the iceberg.

From your son.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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