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northshore high was complete plastic territory. they ran the corridors and had everyone at their feet, no one had more power at that school - including the faculty. aurora griffin was one of four, the late addition to the already formed group of regina george, gretchen wieners and karen shetty, she had been the talk of the school for weeks after regina pulled her into the plastics.

aurora had attended a different middle school than the plastics and when most of her peers started talking about attending various high schools, aurora knew she'd choose to go where no one knew her. at the age of 12, aurora had confided in avery wilkerson - someone that she thought was her best friend. she had come out to her and avery had turned on her, the next morning she had told most of their class and from then on everyone around her treated her like a complete outcast.

aurora didn't want that life anymore, she wanted to be popular, she wanted to have the power that her classmates had. she thought that having the ability to be mean would heal the way everyone around her made her feel. she didn't stop to think that it might make her feel worse.

the summer between middle school and high school was when aurora started changing herself. she took her shoulder length brunette hair and chopped it short and when she wasn't happy with that, she dyed it blonde. she started wearing layers of makeup and she cut her clothes up, making them shorter and more in style than they had been before. her mother had grounded her but aurora didn't care because when she looked in the mirror she saw someone that she didn't recognise and she loved that feeling.

when she stepped into the hallway of northshore high on her first day, nearly every other freshman stopped to stare. no one knew who she was and it intrigued them, she was the topic of conversation for everyone. which is how she met regina george. you couldn't be a hot topic at nortshore and not meet the queen bee. regina was what aurora had wanted to be for so long, powerful and intimidating. from day one, aurora found herself in the plastics friend group.

for the first time in her entire life, aurora was invited to parties, her following on social media skyrocketed and her comments were full of compliments from people she didn't even recognise. but she always let regina be the mean one. she never made any snide comments towards her peers, but she never stopped regina either. most of the time she'd just laugh along and fortunately for her, everyone adored her.

or mostly everyone. because from her very first day, janis imi'ike has had an insane hatred of aurora. regina had told aurora all about janis being obsessed with her but aurora never knew what she had to do with any of that considering she wasn't in their middle school. janis doesn't see aurora the way everyone else does, it's obvious that she's disgusted by her and so aurora starts disliking the girl as well. she's spent years reinventing herself just for janis imi'ike to try and tear her down and aurora was never going to let that happen.

aurora spent her time with the plastics not being the mean one, she'd never been called a bitch on the internet, she kept her grades perfect and her teachers loved her. janis was her exception, but no one was going to make aurora griffin feel like she had in middle school and if aurora was branded as mean for that, she didn't care.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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