The talk

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An said yes to the tea. Irina brought the tea out and gave everyone a tea cup then filled the cups up.

"So, what happened early?" An asked

"Well, before we tell you what happened in more detail. I need to know if you don't tell anybody" Karaksuma says

"I won't tell anyone who you all don't trust" An says, meeting Karasuma eyes

"Good, well if I tell you the whole story will be here all day so I'm gonna shorten it" Karasuma says

"A couple months ago Ryoma was kidnapped and the kidnaper was someone who wanted to get back at Ryoma's biological dad. The kidnaper was a scientist who worked on project that failed in the end, The scientist use Ryoma as a lab rat before escaping the cops he said that "he killed 2 birds with 1 stone" so Ryoma is now not fully human but as he now is a mix of human, fox and spider blood" Karasuma says.

"I.. why would someone do that" An said as she look at Ryoma

"We don't know" Karasuma says, "but what we do know is that Akuji still wants to make a monster" he continued.

"But Ryoma not a monster" An says a little louder

"You're right.. He isn't a monster but to Akuji, Ryoma is" Irina say, as Karasuma is grabbing something

"An" Ryoma says, picking up his cup and drinking some then putting the cup back down "I don't know what could have happened if I wasn't saved, as it is I don't know what the blood did to me. I wanted to know how to use and control this power before I play tennis again" Ryoma says smiling

"But you quit because you're blind right?" An ask

"No.. well yes but I can see in a way you guys can't, My hearing help me see people and objects" Ryoma says

"What?" An ask

"Echolocation.. I use echolocation to "see" objects and people" Ryoma says

"How does it work?" An asks

"Well I can use echolocation well talking and walking for objects well when the hearts bets I can see people" Ryoma answers An

"Thank you for not telling anyone" Nagisa say

"No problem" An say "I know that my brother wants to play you again, and I want to be your friend!!" An says, well smiling and nodding to herself.

"Okay" Ryoma says, just as excited

They all talk some more and the two adults like how the three kids were talking about sport, fights, and some video games. A little while later the two adults leave and the kids keep on talking about whatever they want, they all talk until a phone starts ringing

"Oh, it's mine" An says as she answer it "hello" she says, well the other two just look one

"Where are you imouto-chan" A voice on the phone says

"Oh, i'm still with some of my friends" An says, grabbing a cookie that Irina gave them a little awhile in the conversation

"Oh" the voice breaths out sounding relieved

"Why?" An ask, as she puts the cookie in her mouth

"Well–" the voice starts then both boys break out laughing, cutting off the voices.

"Boys" An shouts, "i'm talking on the phone" she says

"Who are the two laughing in the background?" the voice asked

"Two stupid boys" An says

"I see"

"Well O-nii-san wait did you need" An asked

"Oh well it's almost dinner, and I wanted to see if you're staying with your friend or?" Kippie says

"I'll be coming home in 30 minutes, see you soon" An says

"Okay, see you" Kippie say

"Byee O-nii-san" Ryoma yells in the background as Nagisa yelled the same thing, just as Kippie hangup

"Really, you too.." An says, sounding dead

"Yep" both Ryoma and Nagisa both says at the same time

"Well I should go" An says, standing up and starting to pack up all her stuff

"I'll walk with you" Ryoma says

"But Ryoma" Nagisa start

"Blue, I need to get used to walking around and I have all the stuff you three gave me. I'll be fine" Ryoma says, standing up again and starts helping An pack up her stuff as well.

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