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The halls of Liyue High School hummed with activity as students bustled through the corridors, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Among them were HuTao and Xiao, their friendship deepening with each passing moment.

Their day began with Health class, where Mr. Baizhu launched into a spirited discussion about the importance of physical activity. As the teacher spoke, HuTao couldn't resist nudging Xiao with her elbow, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

HuTap ripped off a piece of paper on her notebook and wrote on the small piece of paper she ripped out.

"Hey, Xiao, what do you think Morax does on his free time?" HuTao wrote on the paper with a red pen and then crumbled it up then she tossed it to Xiao.

Xiao noticed the paper on the side on his desk he then raised an eyebrow, then he unscrambled the paper his lips mouthing out the words written on the note he then looked at HuTao with a confused face. he then took out a blueish cyanish pen and wrote " I don't know?" on the small piece of paper.

HuTao smirked to herself and wrote on the back of the small note " decomposing." (PLEASE TELL ME IF I GOT THE JOKE WRONG I FORGOT IT...) HuTao giggled to herself and once again crumbled the paper and threw it towards Xiao and it landing on Xiao's desk caught his attention

Xiao picked up the note on his desk and read it.. HuTao could see faint smile on the side of his face and she could see the small quiet laugh on the side of his mouth.

HuTao giggled to herself as she grinned at Xiao, Xiao turned to HuTao and mouthed out the words "Not funny.." HuTao smirked at Xiao and mouthed out "yeah righ-"

The bell cut HuTao off and Ending up startling HuTao and Xiao, the two took their separate ways to lunch but still ended up sitting at the same table with their friend group: Xingqiu, Chongyun, and Xiangling!

During break time in the bustling cafeteria, their friends joined in the conversation, swapping stories from their morning classes and joking about their latest academic triumphs and mishaps. Xingqiu, his head always in his books, shared his latest literary discovery, while Xiangling excitedly discussed her plans for her next cooking dish

As they enjoyed their lunch, HuTao couldn't resist teasing Xiao once again. "Xiao, do you ever smile? You're starting to look like a statue!"

Xiao crossed his arms."are you really asking me this again..." "I would if I wanted to." he replied, Xiao let out a loud sigh "and I don't Want to right now."

Xiangling sighed and tried to change the subject " did you guys now the state carnival is coming soon! in like a week or two!~" Xingqiu nodded and shut his book " yes. its actually opening next Saturday." Chongyun looked up at his friends " uh..Hey! we all should buy tickets and go all together! it would be so fun!" HuTao's eyes lit up " .yeah! we should! oooo~ last years fair was so fun!" "I've never been to the a carnival before.." Xiao murmured "What?! you never been to the state carnival?! you are missing out Xiao! its so fun!~" Xiangling shouted " we all should buy our tickets and go! I promise it be so fun!~" they all agreed to the plan.

Next was P.E. class with Coach Beidou, where they participated in a thrilling game of soccer. HuTao's boundless energy propelled her across the field as she chased after the ball, her laughter echoing through the air. Meanwhile, Xiao demonstrated his strategic prowess, orchestrating plays and outmaneuvering opponents with quiet determination.

Coach Beidou Shouted " Alright everyone! I want you guys to get groups of 2 and I want you to run around the court multiple times and whoever ran around the court most wins. go team up and run!!" Everyone obeyed Coach Beidous Orders and they did as so

HuTao looked around for a partner to team up as she saw everyone finding their partner Xiao ended up catching her eye, He was just standing there looking around. HuTao skipped over to Xiao and asked " Xiao~ wanna be my partner?" HuTao smirked "Like I have a choice." Xiao replied and looked up at HuTao.

Around the 8th Lap : "oh my archons im gonna pass ou-" *overreacting cough cough* " oh my gosh you're overreacting.." "Im so tired-" HuTao got cut off by coach Beidous whistle "Alright our time is up! turns out Childe's team did the most laps!"

In Science class with Ms. Yelan: "alright everyone.. get in groups of 5 and I want you guys to test out the chemicals you made yesterday." Ms.yelan shouted to get everyones attention.

Xingqiu, Xiangling, Chongyun, HuTao and Xiao scrambled to get into a group and pick what table to sit at.

"omgee! guys did you hear about that fight in class 26?" Xiangling shouted
"Wait what?!" HuTao responed

During Drama class with Ms. Xianyun

"Let's try that scene again from Act II," Ms. Xianyun suggested, gesturing to the two teens infront her. "I want to see more emotion this time."

the two teens nodded, stepping into their roles with renewed determination. As they delivered their lines with passion and conviction, their classmates applauded, impressed by their performance.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.
HuTao walked outside the school doors and then she noticed Xiao walking beside her "wanna head to the coffee shop?.." Xiao quietly asked
HuTao excitedly nodded "yeah!" then smiled at him.
As they walked to their usual coffee shop then the two walked in and sat down at their usual spot near the window, HuTao couldn't help but smile at Xiao once they sat down.

"whatcha gonna order?~," she questioned the dark haired boy.

Xiao looked up at her " just a coffee" he spoke as he made a small smile.
"aha! you finally smiled! " she smiled

As they sipped their coffee and watched the time go by.

The clock on the wall ticked away the minutes, marking the passage of time as they lost themselves in conversation, recounting their favorite moments from the day and making plans for the weekend ahead.

Their laughter mingled with the soft strains of music playing in the background, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that enveloped them like a comforting embrace.
"see ya tomorrow!" HuTao asked, a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

Xiao nodded, a smile playing at his lips. "see ya." he replied.
Once they paid they stepped out the cafe and walked home together.
"I can't wait for the state fair!" HuTao exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. "are you gonna go?"

Xiao chuckled, shaking his head. "i need some more time to think about it" he replied, though there was a hint of confusion in his voice. "I..uh ill text you once i figure it out."
"aw.. alright! well this is stop see you tomorrow!l
the two stopped walking in front of HuTaos house
"byee Xiao!~" HuTao waved at him and then walked into her house
Xiao watched her wave and then proceeded his way home.

pls vote this took me days😭😭 and im sick i have a 14-15 hour field trip tomorrow and i just finished state testing but ayy 1224 words byee😗!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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