Thinking Funny; Acting Funny

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 Hotel OJ. Orange Hellscape. Party Haven. Glorified Frat House. MePhone could call it a lot of different things, but none of those things were a place he'd particularly like to be. If he were never invited to the near constant parties, he wouldn't even know what it looked like on the inside. The current party was a little different, though. Instead of in the lobby, like usual, all the action was going on in the auditorium the place had for some ungodly reason. MePhone wasn't very fond of the setup. Was this permanent? Could he file a complaint if he didn't live here?

MePhone wasn't having fun. The music was loud and the snacks were mediocre. Nobody was talking to him. He was only here because he felt obligated to be. It was a miserable experience.

He remembered when he had friends. Was "friends" too strong a word for it? No, those people totally liked him! Well, one of them did, and he was right across the room at the moment. Cheesy used to be MePhone's best friend. When his producer wasn't available to help figure things out, it was Cheesy. Cheesy was smart. He was funny. He was probably the only person on the whole set who didn't find MePhone completely insufferable. People used to make jokes about their friendship. MePhone remembered that time when OJ implied that he was in love with Cheesy, and how it made him mad. Mostly because he kind of, sort of was, and he didn't want anyone to know.

But that was just a phase. He forgot all about his crush after the first season ended and had barely thought of him in that way since. He used to scold himself for never asking him out when he had the chance, but he was over that now. He was normal now.

And he acted extremely normal when he saw Cheesy notice him from like, a million feet away and start heading right in his direction. He totally didn't flinch and blush and focus his eyes firmly on the ground.

"Hi, MePhone!" Cheesy smiled, and MePhone suddenly remembered how adorable said smile was.

"Hey," He responded, averting eye contact.

"Been a while, hasn't it?"


What was going on? Why was MePhone so nervous all of a sudden? Why did he feel so warm and full of butterflies? This wasn't right! He was supposed to be normal!

"You've been standing around a while," Cheesy observed. "Didn't look very fun, so I thought I'd come over and talk to you!"

"That's nice of you," MePhone muttered. His mechanical heart raced at a concerning speed, but he was too focused on the excessive amount of blush that was certainly developing on his screen to notice. This wasn't right. This wasn't normal. He wasn't supposed to be feeling or thinking or acting like this. He'd felt and thought and acted like this before, but this felt different. So much more serious. It made him lightheaded.

Surely this was just nerves, right? He was just nervous about talking to someone he hadn't seen in a while! He was nervous and needed to loosen up and have fun.

"Hey, you wanna... get a drink?" MePhone asked in the world's most awkward way. "Because I know I could use one! Heh..."

"Sure!" Cheesy replied. He smiled again. No, he beamed. MePhone was sure he had some kind of heart palpitation. Why did he look like that?! It was like he was just asking for people to crush on him! MePhone was tempted to interrogate him about it, but all his words were tangling up in his head and confusing him. He guessed it'd have to wait until he'd had a few drinks...

Way more than a few drinks later, the auditorium was almost completely devoid of life, and MePhone felt like he should be leaving. Well, he mostly felt like... booze and static, but he could tell something in that static was telling him to go home!

A Cacophony Of FeelingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz