Crushing? Talk to a Dead Guy!

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 "I hear you've got something going on," Said the... ghost? Hallucination? The god-knows-what of MePhone4S. "Something related to a certain block of cheese, perhaps?"

"What're you doing here?" MePhone mumbled. It'd been so long since he'd seen this illusion that he'd forgotten it ever existed. He wasn't even sure if it was actually 4S' consciousness still existing somewhere in his head and manifesting in his vision or if he was just crazy, but it was comforting to see him again.

"You were stressing," 4S shrugged. "I wanted to check up on you."

"Oh, thanks," MePhone stood up and stepped closer to the apparition.

"So," 4S said with a smirk. "Tell me about the guy you like!"

"I don't like him!" MePhone said defensively. "I'm just... being reminded of my old feelings for him... and it's causing some confusion!"

"That's not whatcha said to MePad."

"I've had some time to think since then!"

"The only thing you've had time to think about is messing up your room."

MePhone tried and failed to come up with an argument, then crossed his arms with an annoyed sigh. 4S walked towards MePhone's bed then flopped down on it like he owned the place. He used to always act like he owned every place.

"Y'know, I don't get why you're freaking out so much," He said casually. MePhone gave him a glare. "You're in love!"

"No I'm not!" MePhone spat. "I used to be, but I'm not anymore!"

"Then why were you giving him that look?"

"How do you even know about that?!"
"You're in my body, dude. I see everything!" 4S waved his arms dramatically in the air, then laughed.

"You're so nosy," MePhone scoffed.

"Says the reality TV fanatic! Anyway, about your crush..."

"He's not my crush."

"Mhm, sure, whatever you say buddy. Why are you so upset about being in love with somebody? I didn't really talk to many people when I was alive, but I can tell you that Cobs' biggest mistake with me was giving me emotions. I was going nuts 'cause I thought everyone was hot!"

"Even my contestants?" MePhone asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Especially your contestants! If I never died, I would've asked half of them out by now. Seeing so many pretty people made me happy. And if it was specific to one person, I think that would make me even happier. So, why aren't you happy?"

MePhone was quiet for a while, giving himself time to think before spitting an answer at 4S. With him, it was easier. He was dead, so he had all the time in the world, so he wouldn't interrupt MePhone's thought process, so MePhone could think more clearly.

"Because it's wrong," He finally admitted. "I'm not supposed to like any guys in this way, much less Cheesy."

"Hm. Can you elaborate on that?"

"I'm a host! A celebrity! The face of a show that people love! I can't just go around dating men!"

"Why not?"

"Because hosts don't date men! That's not normal! I'm already so weird compared to other hosts and I don't wanna be even weirder by being gay!"

"What makes you think it's not normal for a host to be gay? Why a host, specifically?"

"Have you ever seen one date a guy? I haven't! If it were normal for a host to be gay, there wouldn't be so many hosts out there hosting shows with their wives!"

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