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"Names and persons in this Book are entirely fictional. They bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead."

"Before we begin, I'd like to warn you that this story contains 

mention of torture, blood, killings,

swear language, violence, explict scene, etc.. 

"any media used in this story is not mine 

credits to owner"

"no hate is tolerated  

not to characters,

and to me, otherwise your commented will be deleted 

and you will be yeeted"

"and as neither am i a professional writer nor have any writing

experience so, might have some(maybe lot) mistakes"

"you can openly correct me 

and i will not listen to you"

"hahaha--- joke guys joke come on"

i will generously correct myself 

um..m i mean mistake" 

"and last but yeah atleast,

"thanks for giving this story chance"

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