Chapter 3🫃

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"Okay, fine. What?" Wrio said, almost yelling it

"Furina wanted me to play you, I stupidly did it but ended up actually falling for you. I don't know how much that explanation helped, but I am no longer with Furina."

"Neuvillette, I love you dearly. And to not forgive you, I would never forgive myself. But I need time, time to process everything and to regain that trust i had for you."

"I understand Wrio, please let me know when you come around. I will be off now."

its the next day and wrio gets a knock on the door

"Hello?" Wrio asks opening the door

"Hello sir, is this Wriothesely? I need you to sign here." The delivery man said

"Um, Okay?" He says while signing "Have a nice day sir."

he takes the heavy box inside and starts to
open it, inside he finds a note, the note reads "Hello Wrio, you probably dont forgive me yet, and I understand. But I wanted to start making it up to you by getting you your favorite tea. - Love Neuvillette."

*Oh how long can I be mad at him for, hes so sweet.*

hey guys back with another banger no clickbait 🔥🔥 anyways i have everything planned out, if you want smut it will be a separate chapter that wont effect the story at all for those who dont!!

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