chapter 5

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"Kate benjamin is there" i told her but she hide herself behind me

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"Kate benjamin is there" i told her but she hide herself behind me

"What the hell"my expression when i saw him

"Yumi"i said in the nervous voice

"Don't get shy it's ok kate"i answer and smile at her

My voice cracked "h-how".."im not pretty yumi!."

"Your pretty enough Kate if she don't like you back is ok"i whispered

"I know but im too scared and im not ready" i said in nervous tone

"Then when would you be 2months to go Kate and we will be graduated" she said and stare at me

"Jusr gave me enough time to tell him that iam the one who gave the confession letter"i said and get angry

"Ok calm down" i answer her

"Let sit down now teacher would come here in any minute" yumi said to me

"I add him at her social but his not accepting my request so i cancel my request"

"Days come and it let me keep hoping"

"Why the world is so unfair why can he do the first move"

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