Chapter 2: Perseverance

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Adam grabbed a hold of Sage's hand as they fell out of the window. The entire apartment was destroyed from the blast but the man seemed to block it. As they fell Adam focused. He needed to break their fall as he was pretty high up in the complex he was in. As he fell out of the sky he held Sage close to his chest. The young girl closed her eyes and Adam did the same as focused and tried to maintain concentration. As the ground got closer to him he activated his barrier spell. His mana successfully wrapped around the 2 of them and broke the landing which still hurt but at least they were okay. Adam took all the damage anyway. 

After the landing he used all his willpower to get up. "Adam get up!" Sage screamed and Adam's eyes shot open in response as he quickly grabbed Sage and rolled out of the way as a giant black snake came down on the two. Adam had ample training in calisthenics so his agility and body strength were all top notch for a mage that only used a wand. Adam ran into an alleyway while holding Sage still so she wouldn't slow him down. "Who is he Sage?" Adam asked as a giant snake came barreling towards them. The black snake opened its mouth wide as it got closer to them. Adam quickly reacted by using a magic he knew he could use successfully. He used the telekinesis spell to amplify his agility as he leapt high into the air with Sage wrapped up into his arm. 

The mage pointed his wand out towards the black snake as it shifted towards them. The mana gathered at the tip of the wand and a giant ball of pure mana shot out at the snake. Adam would then swing the wand like an upward arc shape. This caused the ball of mana to curve as it destroyed the snake and eventually hit the mage. As the explosion sent Adam and Sage flying the condition of the mage was unknown. As they came crashing down on a nearby rooftop the impact had Sage just sitting there in pain. "Sage who was that?" Adam asked as he looked in the direction of the explosion. Sage struggled to sit up but after a couple coughs she was able to sit up and answer. 

"His name is Zeddicus and he works for my older brother. He's after me and only me so you don't have to put your life on the line for me." Sage said as she tried to hold back tears. Adam looked at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. A future mage like myself has already decided to put my life on the line. Now how does his medium work?" Adam asked as he figured understanding his enemy's abilities would allow him to combat him better than he is now.

"His medium is the tattoos on his body. They are in the shape of snakes and he can gather them to make a bigger snake to project or smaller ones for numbers." Sage began her description but Adam stopped her. "A simple version Sage!" He said with a little more volume in his voice as 5 giant snakes came flying at them. Adam would stab his wand into the ground and hope a barrier came up but instead the telekinesis spell activated and sent them crashing through the roof. They both fell hard onto the ground but Sage had fallen unconscious from the impact. Adam got up and sighed as he picked Sage up and hid her in one of the rooms nearby. Upon closer inspection this was like an old boxing gym they were in which was perfect for Adam. "How fitting to kick some butt in a boxing gym" Adam said as he stepped into what looked like a ring. There were no ropes on the sides of the ring so it was just a big box that Adam stood on as Zeddicus stepped foot onto the ring. 

The eyes of the mages were locked in as Zeddicus smiled at Adam. It looked like he was a little beaten up from Adam's attacks against him. "Give me the girl and I'll let you live. It'll be a gift to you for giving me such a hard time." As he spoke the snakes came from his tattoo and wrapped itself around Zeddicus. As it did it began to grow to an immense size and it loomed over its master with a sickening bloodlust. Adam laughed as he twirled the wand in his hand. "And miss the chance to beat you down? Not a chance. Besides, aren't medium users supposed to be more advanced in magic than wand users? You seem to be struggling against me Zedd." Adam mocked. 

Zeddicus almost popped a vein in his head before cooling off. "Just die then" He said as his giant snake rushed forward at Adam. It's mouth wide open attempting to swallow him whole but Adam wasn't gonna take that and he quickly acted by throwing a barrier up which to his surprise it actually worked. The only problem was now the snake was trying to swallow a ball of mana. "I did not think this through." He said as he attempted to maintain concentration. Adam had to think quickly about what was happening in order for him to get out. "How do I get out?" He thought to himself. "I can't use another spell while the barrier is up or else I will die. The barrier spell I am in is too limited. If only it was bigger." He thought once more but that's when he got an idea. Magic spells were fueled based off mana and how much mana being used for a spell determines how potent the spell is. Adam was known for having a ton of mana to use and right now he wasn't using it all to his advantage. 

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