Chapter 1 - Beginning

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There was once a dream girl named Melia Shy, she was a girl who worked at a cafe in Central London, She was a manager & worker of the cafe, She worked full time job. She was born & raised in London, UK. She had no siblings but she did have two good friends who called them as good trusted sisters. They names are Minsy & Lizzy.

Melia had to work long hours on one Friday night. However she wasn't alone, she had minsy as a company.

"Ohhhh cmonnnn Meliaaaa.... We're going to be late to this club!" Minsy was saying in a bored raised voice.

As Melia was just finishing cleaning the store. "Give me half an hour, Minsy, we will go." She said.

However, Melia had some chores to do the store closed at 10pm now it's 11pm as it's been closed for 1hr. "Minsy, try call Lizzy she might able to go out with you clubbing?" She says.

As Minsy was going on her phone scrolling on tiktok watching edits of her favourite celebrity. "Honestly, I'm too addicted into watching edits of my father." She says.

As Melia was finishing up checking if the store was finally cleaned and taken care off. She sits next to minsy.

"So, Johnny Depp is your father, you are saying?" She was smirking.

Minsy smiled. "Correction, my god father, yes?"

Melia just laughed while doing her finger winking. "Aright aright, your god father, whatever you say minsy."

Minsy smiled. "Well, myself and him are in close contact, so whenever his in London, he would let me know."

Melia jaw dropped. "Your in contact with him? Since when?"

As Minsy just silenced melia out. " I won't tell you a word okay. You have to wait until you see him for yourself okay?" She said.

As melia just shakes her head with an approval.

"Right, okay, time to call Lizzy now." Minsy says as she rings Lizzy on the phone.

"While you call Lizzy, let me just quickly check of store is ready to close down, then we can head outside. Clear?" Melia says with a smile.

"Clear, Captain!" Minsy says as she solutes Melia.

Lizzy picks up Minsy call.

"Hihihihihi, Minsy!" Lizzy says on call with happiness.

"Heyyy Lizzy! I wanted to give a call because myself & Melia are going to a club and incase melia didn't go, do you want to come?" Minsy says while putting her phone on speaker.

"Yeah, sure I come, what's the address?" She asks.

Minsy is unsure of what to say so just goes on with it. "Actually, do you want to head to the cafe here on London instead? We're be waiting for you outside!"

Lizzy just seems confused. "Ohh aright! Send me the pin board location and I will come by!" She shouts through the phone.

"Aright see you them, bye lizz!" Minsy says as the call gets hanged up.

Minsy shuts her phone, fully relaxed on the coach sitting next to the window. She takes 10 minute break from her phone and she sends her pin location to where she and melia are at.

She gets a text received from liz.

Lizzy ♡: Thanks Bestie Sis! Xx

Minsy smiles at the response she got from Liz, she hearts the comment and turns her phone on black screen.

Melia comes back to where minsy was. "Right entire restaurant cafe is clean and clear, let's go wait outside as I close the cafe for good so no burglary are committed." She says with a concern.

"Right, okay, you do that, I be outside in the Alley way of the streets." Minsy says with a smile as she heads outside.

Once Melia has finished all her duty the girls were outside waiting for their dear friend to arrive at the place.

"I think she might just take the uber to get here." Minsy says.

Melia smiles."You think?" She giggles.

As the girls waited liz had finally arrived at the place.

"Heyyy sisters!!!" Liz screamed in happy way.

"Yay since liz is now here, we can finally head to the club." Minsy says with full excitement.

As melia sees the uber leave her. "Why didn't you stop ur uber, we could of asked them to drop us off at the club?" She questions.

Liz thinks. "Well, I would have to add the next destination before arriving here so now, there really no point the driver will refuse." She says in a sad way.

"Aright less yapping, more movement, there nothing going to stop us from getting into the club." Minsy says as she walks.

Melia and just rolls their eyes.

"Who even invited her to go there in the first place?" Liz said laughing.

"Who knows, maybe her secret admire?"  Melia said giggling.

As the three girls were walking towards the club in London, which was 1hr away from melia work place. The girls didn't feel tired walking, but it made them feel relaxed to breathe the fresh air.

Minsy screams like a headless chicken. "Weeeeeeereeeeee Heeeereeeeeee." She scream in a happy way.

Melia and liz giggles.

Minsy sees them giggling. "Awh cmon guys it's going to fun!! You don't wanna miss itt!" She says happily.

"Aright aright we coming!" They both said in synch.

As they all walked closer, they saw the lines was full.

"Awhh damnn, the line is full." Lizzy says with a sad face.

"If we got our id's & money, we will be fine." Melia says while tapping lizz shoulder giving pats on the back.

The line was getting a bit shorter each time. So the girls were next in line.

As the security guard was taking everyone's names, the girls waited patiently to be next.

"Aright names?" The security guard says.

"Names? Why do you want our names?" Minsy says with a shock.

The security guard stares at her. "So I can add you to the list to make sure who's in and who's out." He says.

"Okay, well, my name is minsy. These two are my sisters named Melia & Lizz." She says confidently.

"Okay, now. May I need your ID Please?" The security guard says as he finishes writting the girls names and the time they arrived.

All the girls handed their ids to security guard to check it that they were over the age limit to go inside. "Right, your all welcome to go in, Have a nice time!" He says as he gives the ID back.

"Thank you so much." All of them said in synch.

As the girls went inside the club. They saw the magical place inside it was stunning and felt like Hollywood stars are everywhere.

"I think it's time to make use of our time here girls!" Liz said loudly because of the music.

As lizz disappeared in the crowd. It was just Minsy left with Melia.

"Now there was only two." Melia says laughing.

Minsy looks around. "I go check out explore entire club, and get some drinks. I be back melia!" She says as she leaves melia on her own.

"And now there was one." She says smiling.


A/N: I hope you like this first short chapter I know it's short. But I hope the next one might be a bit longer and interesting. So keep an eye on the chapter. And I can't waitt to see how this story gets developed. This is so new of me to make but I hope you like this fanfic book.

Words: 1,252
Time: 09:50
Date: 13/03/24

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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